Chapter Two

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I take off at a dead run towards the front door. I take the gun from the holster on my hip. So what if I'm a werewolf I still carry a gun. I turn the doorknob and silently creep inside. I head up the stairs and stop in front of her bedroom door. It's open just a crack so I peek inside. She's sprawled out on the bed with someone hovering around her face. I push the door open and it slams against the wall.

"Get the hell away from my sister!" I yell as I raise my gun.

The guy as I can now see backs up and puts his hands up. My sister looks at me in a panic.

"Charlotte! I'm in labor!" Carlie cries in a pained voice. I immediately rush to her side.

"I heard you scream from outside and thought someone was attacking you. Where's the rest of my pack?" I demand.

The doctor comes near the bed again and wipes a cold rag across her forehead.

"They went to town to find you." Doctor James says, I now recognize who he is.

My sister lets out another blood curdling scream and I instantly stroke her hand. I start to whisper sweet things in her ear.

"Where is Slater, Carlie? He's your husband and mate. He should be here." I say with venom in my voice.

"He's still running patrol." She grunts out and starts to pant.

"It's time to push Carlie! Come on!" Doctor James takes his seat in between her legs. She bares down and starts to push right when someone else comes barging in. Slater. She continues to push and suddenly we all hear a loud cry.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" Doctor James says as he lays the baby on Carlie's chest and asks Slater if he wants to cut the umbilical cord. He cuts it and Carlie starts wiping the whimpering baby off with the towel.

"He's beautiful Carlie." Slater and I both say at the same time.

"Let's name him Dean." My sister says with a wide smile on her face. I leaned down and kiss my sisters cheek and excuse myself from the room. I shut the door behind me and only then did I let the tears fall. How I ache for what she and Slater share.

I quickly make my way downstairs to the kitchen and start to prepare a meal, knowing Carlie will be hungry after what she just endured.

The phone rings suddenly, jarring my focus.

I sigh and wipe my hands on a dish towel near the sink and reach for the home phone.

"Hello? Edwards residence." I say in my most polite tone.

"Is this Alpha Charlotte Edwards?" A deep masculine voice demands.

"Yes. Who am I speaking to?" I ask as I return to the stove to stir the pasta.

"This is Alpha Wyatt Daniels. I'm requesting access to your land, to cross the boundary."

"Why do you need access to my land?" I ask in a hard tone.

"My best friend Slater Thomas and his wife Carlie gave birth to their little boy tonight and I wanted to come in person and give my congratulations." He says, I hear the pride in his voice.

"Carlie is my sister ya know?" I say with a slight giggle. "But I guess I could give you clearance. When should we expect you?"

"I'll cross your boundary now and be there within the hour." I hear a car rev in the background.

"I better put more pasta on then. See you soon. Goodbye." I hang up and throw some chicken in a pan to fry. I shutter as I stand there by myself. There was something about his voice that made my stomach flutter with awareness. Slater comes down the stairs slowly and I turn to watch. He's carrying Carlie who in return is carrying a sleepy baby Dean.
"I heard you on the phone with someone. Are we expecting company? My sister asks with a raised brow.
I giggle softly,"Wyatt Daniels sound familiar?"
"Yes of course! He's coming here tonight, I look a mess!"
"I don't know why you'd be worried about your appearance." Slater grumbles softly, earning a smile from both of us. I turn back to the stove and drain the pasta. I start making the table and remind myself to place an extra setting. I'm serving the food as the doorbell rings. I feel that flutter again.

Picture is how I imagine Wyatt!

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