Chapter 1: An unfortunate meeting

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Lady Bridgerton was at a loss. This had to succeed, she so hoped it would for her son Anthony had already turned down several ladies, and if this too failed... No, she did not want to think about it. Still obviously attached to 'the opera singer', her had something to say about potential suitors, so much so that many a parent would not even accept a visit from the Bridgerton's anymore. It was clear to them that the viscount had no serious intention of marrying their daughters and therefore invitations for "tea" were denied.

This was Anthony's last chance, and if he didn't agree to marrying her.. She sighed and shook her head.. Another wrinkle had appeared on her face, she had seen so in the morning and she was adamant it was because of Anthony's antics.

Anthony Bridgerton did not feel very worried, on the contrary he considered it an unnecessary waste of his precious time but no big problem otherwise as he would do the same as before.

He would drop in on a potential candidate, say there was no chemistry between them and move on to the next candidate. His mother insisted that he get married, but he didn't need to.

He could not marry the one he had loved, so what was the point of marriage? He was content with his position as head of the family, brother to seven siblings and now uncle, and he was busy enough as it was. No, the least thing he needed was a wife.

And there was the matter, the thing that.. He wasn't over her yet, as much as he wanted to be... He couldn't let go of her, she was married now but still.... She still performed sporadically, and he went to the shows but hid, didn't buy a ticket for the front rows but deliberately sat in the back. He listened to her sweet voice and it hurt him as much as it made him happy. She was just as beautiful, maybe even more so now met her long curly hair, her expressive eyes, and that beautiful mouth he had loved kissing so much.

He had his uhm needs of course and made sure they were met by visiting a few prostitutes but even when he slept with them he made a point of never kissing them. First out of .. hygiene reasons which was massively hypocrite, granted, but secondly he did not want to kiss anyone but her. He had tried but every time he did his thoughts wondered off to a certain opera singer and just like that it felt like someone had put a dagger into his heart.

After her performance was over, he went back silently and felt the same conflict again, euphoric because he had seen her and so sad that she could not be his, not anymore.. So no, if it were up to marry he would never, especially not some boring, generic bourgeois bint. What he knew about Mara Kensington was that she was already quite old, 26 and new to London, they had only recently moved here. Mr Kensington was a former navy general but now bided his time with running a trading company with his brother.

They had suffered a financial hit a few years ago when deals felt through because of certain conflicts the UK had had with countries in Africa but now business was booming again. The Kensington's were well off, of course they were no rival to the Bridgerton's in that case but still affluent. They had 3 children apparently, Mara was the eldest, Lucas was thirteen and Helena was six. He had one thing in common with Mara which was a dismay of getting married, but he did not know why.

In any case, this time he had to deal with an old spinster he thought, smiling. It was brilliant for now he had even more reasons to turn her down.

He got into the carriage with his mother and mocked that she was nervous, he believed that a joke might ease her nerves.

"What do you think, mother? I'm going for a record of 10 minutes this time" and he grinned. The strategy had worked briefly because he could see a smile creeping on his mother's face which she quickly changed after she saw him looking at her.

Lady Bridgerton removed her glove and hit her son with it, quite hard on his arm but it didn't phase Anthony (although he pretended it did).

"Ouch, mother. Go easy on your first-born, please", he grinned but Violet Bridgerton gave him a stern glance.

Last Chance:  A Bridgerton Tale about Anthony (AU NON-COMPLIANT)Where stories live. Discover now