2 • I'm never joking again (just kidding)

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I told Hermione about what happened until that moment. I told her about Rita Skeeter, the Daily Prophet (which, thank Merlin, she didn't know), and the Knight Bus. Most importantly, I told her about what Emily told me about my real parents.

". . .what an interesting summer," Hermione summed.

"Mhm," I nodded, "a very interesting one."

Hermione thought for a second, trying to change the subject, and said, "Ron sent me a letter. Said he was going to free Harry or something. With his dad's flying car. He also said we could help him, that we were welcome at their house."

I laughed, "they do love trouble, don't they?"

"Very," she laughed too, "I was thinking. . .I mean, I studied enough, so maybe we could. . ."

"Accept the invitation and make sure they don't get into trouble?" I asked, smiling.


"Good idea, I'd like to congratulate them for being so stupid."

Hermione grinned, "me too."

• • •

"Are you sure you can take the Knight Bus again?" Hermione asked.

After 10 minutes of talking with Hermione and her parents (who had no idea what was going on), we figured we could take the Knight Bus to the Burrow, the Weasley House. We also wrote a letter to them, assuming it reached them before we came.

"Yeah," I said, "it's going to be a shorter ride anyway, I think we can do this."

"If you say so."

We said bye to Hermione's parents, and Hermione pointed her wand towards the road. Immediately, a purple bus came to view.

Stan got out of the Bus. "Welcome to the Knight Bus, blah, blah, blah, I'm Stan Shunpike," he stared at us. "Whachu wai'ing fo'? C'mon! Let's not wait for the grass to grow!"

Hermione looked at me like, this guy is insane. I looked back, this is my life.

I gave Stan the money before Hermione could protest, and dragged her to the second floor, assuming we could hide easier there.

We sat in silence. A couple minutes later, Stan shouted, "Ottery St. Catchpole, c'mon!"

We hurried down the stairs and out the open door. A couple hundred feet ahead of us was a big house with a lot of floors, as if they'd been stacked on top of each other. Considering this was a Wizarding family's house, it probably was. Garden gnomes were screaming happily, chasing each other. What a peaceful place to live. . .

Me and Hermione walked towards the door, and I couldn't help but wonder why it had to be a flying car to get Harry. I remembered the last day at Hogwarts, I'd said, "even if it means I'll drive a car." I was afraid it was about to become true.

"We're here," I announced.

Hermione knocked on the door, and Mrs. Weasley opened it.

"Ah there you are my dears!" She greeted us with a hug. "Nice to meet you both. Come inside, Ginny is there too."

I followed Hermione inside, but Mrs. Weasley stopped me. "Are you really (y/n) Black?"

I mentally sighed. "Yes I am. Why?"

"Oh, nothing dear, come on, feel comfy."

I hesitantly went to the living room, where 4 redheads were sitting with Hermione. Percy was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/N) Black and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now