Hogwarts Express

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I hope you enjoy it! Please send any recommendations you want I'm always in except on Friday nights and Saturdays

Lily POV:
"Mum, Dad! I've got to go or I'm going to be late!"
I screamed upstairs
"Rubbish Lily! We are leaving in just one second" my
Mother responded
We head out the door and said my goodbyes to my loving parents it wasn't until now I had realized it was my last time being dropped off for the first day of school.
"LILY!" Marlene and Alice shouted as they found my hair in the crowd
"Marlene! Alice!" I've missed you guys! How was your summer?" I chirped while hugging my besties

"Great! We wish your parents would have let you come to James house with us!" Marlene replied "You should have seen Lily, Marlene has a crush on Sirius, like, Sirius Black!"
"James house? He's a toe-rag why would you guys hang out with him? And FINALLY MARLENE you guys are literal twins you and Sirius!" I gushed at the ending
"James isn't that bad Lily, you know? He's very sweet once you get to know him, he's matured a lot this summer!" Marlene said softly

"I won't believe it till I see it!"


I put my suitcases into the luggage area  and made my way to the head compartment and when I open the door I find James Potter, yes, James Potter. Reading a book on one of the seats
"James.." I say softly while keeping in mind what Marlene had said "you realize this is the head compartment" I finished "Oh Lily! I'm so sorry! I should have owled you, apparently I'm Head Boy" he said showing me his badge solemnly
"Oh sorry for assuming, Dumbledore has gone mad hasn't he" I said laughing
"I guess so!" He laughs while giving me a quick hug
We hug a little longer than "new friends" hug and right in that moment, Snape walks in
"Severus.." James asks "you realize this is the head compartment "You guys are to hold a prefect meeting, remember?" He spat at James as he let the other prefects in. "Oh.. right!" Snape sits next to me but I quickly get up and love next to James-er-Potter
I make the mental note to ask him what I should call him now that we are "friends"

The meeting goes well and Snape glares at us as we walk out, "James.. what do you want me to call you?"
I ask "James is good.."
He starts to read his book while I daze off and fall asleep
"Lily...Lils..." James says brushing hair out of my forehead
"Ughhh" I groan 
"You've got wake up we are almost at hogwarts!"
I slowly get up and James covers his face with his book as I change into my robes.
We finish our sweets and clean up.
My mum had bought me a poloroid (the new camera that came out) so I take a photo with James quickly and then we set a timer and while we are waiting we make silly faces but, last minute something comes over me as the train stops and I give him a kiss on the cheek.
He goes scarlet as do I, I quickly grab the photo and make a copy one for him and one for me we quickly join our friends outside and help hagrid escort the first years to McGonagall. Me Marlene Alice and the marauders make our way to the gryffindor table, and eventually the sorting ceremony ends. Marlene notices I blush every time I look at James (bc of the kiss) "you ok lils?" She asks Intreeged, I simply nod

A 3rd year comes and tells me Dumbledore would like to see us as soon as we are done eating at the entrance of the great hall. I stand up and make my way over to James to whom I repeat the information. He stands up and we both make our way outside where Dumbledore offers us a smalls smile "James, Lily, how very well it is to see you both again. As you know head boy and girl get their own dorms which include their own common room, kitchen and bathroom area much larger than the prefects, please note it is shared and connected by the dorms. The password right now is Acid Pops but the witch on the portrait will ask you to state the new password good night children, remember no classes till Monday it's only Friday so feel free to roam around Tommorow and Sunday" he says as he walks off
We make our way to the witches painting where we decide the password should be "Heads"
I plop onto one of the many couches and fall asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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