The End Begin ﴾Chapter 1﴿

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It was December 26, 1991, the day Ussr fell… Well the day before, Ussr arrived at America's house, Ussr knocked on the door and America opened the door to Ussr looking sad. 

America's Pov.
I opened the door and I saw that Ussr looked sad, so I told him to come in. He sat down on the couch and said "Meri, we need to talk about something", then he looked down sadly. I went over to Ussr and sat by him, then I looked at him.

"What do you want to talk about Soviet?"

"Meri... Do you know what's tomorrow?"

"Well, of course, tomorrow's the 26. Why?"

"America this is serious…"

"What? Do you mean, Soviet?"

"America my economy is…falling apart" Ussr looks away

"... Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I did not know how to tell you…" I hugged him, and he hugged me back. I started tearing up.

"Meri… don't worry we will see each other someday"

" B- but…"

"Meri, I wanted to tell you that I'm going because you are one of my best friends...and you deserve to win the cold war…"


"Yes? Meri"

"Well… I love you Soviet" I started tearing up again.

"I love you too Meri", Ussr hugs me tighter.

"Well, promise me one thing America"

"W-what is it Soviet?"
"Promise me that you will look after my kids when I'm gone"

"Of course I will Soviet" Soviet stopped hugging me, then he wrapped my tears off.

"I have to go to tell someone else now..."

"Ok Soviet, but who is the person?"

"Meri, you will know soon"

I was confused, why wouldn't he tell me? Ussr got up and then helped me up, and we walked to the door. He was way taller than me, but when we got to the door I hugged him.

"Well… Goodbye, Meri"

Then he opened the door. I just didn't want to let go of Ussr. We didn't say anything for a few minutes, we just stayed there.

"I have to go now, Meri", I stopped and hugged him.

"Well, can I say something before you go?"

"Sure, What is it?"

I was a little nervous but… I quickly kissed Ussr on the cheek then I pushed him out. I put my hands on my face and blushed a little. 

Ussr's Pov.
America wanted to tell me something but I don't know what it is then… America kissed me on the cheek and then closed the door because I was in the doorway. I looked at the four closed, then walked away smiling and blushing a little. Minutes later…

3rd Person 
Ussr walks up to his door and opens it to his kids, making a mess of the house. Ussr says "What are you guys doing?!" Little Russia came up to Ussr and said "Papa, where were you?" "I was at a friend's house, and Why do you ask?" "Because you seem more worried, Papa" "Oh it's nothing now can you help me clean the mess you and them made?" "Of course, Papa" Russia goes to start clean and the others follow him. Ussr walks to the stairs "I'll be back in a little, kids", then he walks upstairs. 

Ussr's Pov. 
I go to my room and I sit at my desk and I look at the book that I write from time to time.
"Well, I-" I start thinking about America…
"Why did he do That… I-… I don't know how to put it into words. It felt so… so good…" I started writing down things and thinking about what America did.
"Maybe I should talk to someone… but who?" Now I was furious, I don't think anyone would help.
"China...hmm no he would never… North?... No… I mean, I could ask my kids but I don't know…" I think a lot more
"Maybe I can ask one of Meri's brothers or sister…" I go downstairs to see it's all clean.
"Wow. Who did this?" Then and 13 of my kids said, "Me!" I laughed a little, "So who wants dinner?" After dinner about 3 hours later. I put all the kids to sleep then I went to my room. "Well…" I get dressed to go to bed and I go to sleep. 

The Next Day… America's Pov. 
I wake up, I just lay looking at the ceiling. I looked at my phone and it was 8 am. I thought
"Today is the day… Where is it going to happen tho?" I got up and went downstairs, I was still in my nightclothes. I got to the kitchen, I started making myself breakfast. I just sat in my kitchen on my island. "Maybe I should go see him…. NO… He needs to spend time with his kids". A few minutes later I got done with my breakfast, I put the dishes away and I sat on my couch. I turn on the TV and I spaced out.

Ussr's Pov. 
I woke up at 9 am, I sat up in my bed. I looked in the mirror.
"Well, the cracks on my face are getting worse" I put my hands on my face. I start tearing up. An hour later…
I went downstairs to my kids, and they started saying things about my cracks on my face, they were worried.
"Don't worry, kids, I'll be fine… mostly"
Then Ukraine said, "Papa, why did you go out yesterday?"
"I went to a friend's house, Ukraine"
"Can your friend come over?"
"I don't know"
"oh... OK" Then my face started cracking more, they started to freak out. 
"I'll tell you what's happening, then we go out to the backyard, OK?" Then the kids said "Ok!" We walked outside to our flower garden. I sat down in the flowers and picked one out. 
"Ok, let me tell you what’s going to happen"  I paused for a moment. 
"Well, this is going to be a long story so set down... by me" The kid set down in a circle. 
"Well, Let me tell you what is going to happen to me" as I was saying that, I was thinking about how they would react to what I was going to tell them.

"Well... here what happens...

I hope you enjoy it!! ^^
Words: 1030+;~;
This was more fun than I thought
Part 2 Coming soon...

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