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"Louis William Tomlinson I have told you about fourteen times to be packed before we left this morning!" Jay, Louis' mother shouted, after shoving open his door.

Louis immediately jumped to his feet, rummaging through his wardrobe and throwing clothes into a suit case, all while laughing.

He began throwing socks, boxers. And ties into his suit case until he felt a pair of eyes on him.

He looked up, naturally, and saw one of his sisters, lottie, staring at him, angrily.

"Lots, you know y'could be gettin' ready." Louis said, racing past her to grab his things from the washroom.

She followed.

"Well, maybe if you packed last night, like we all did, we wouldn't be waiting on you." She snarled, grabbing her facial wash out of his hands.

"Hey!" He said.

She rolled her eyes.
"This is mine, dimwit, get ya own." She said, stomping away to her room and slamming her door.

"Twat." Louis said, under his breath and finished packing his belongings.

See, he would've packed last night (no he wouldn't have) if he wasn't too busy with his friends at the strip club.

I know, he's under age and blah blah blah. But he's got money, and when you have money you don't have to follow the law.

He and his friend, Niall, were throwing stacks of money onto the strippers, and buying drinks on top of drinks.

So he was hammered. He may have stumbled home a few hours ago, so what?

Louis didn't think his parents knew, and that was all that mattered.

He put on a clean shirt, deodorant, nice pants, and started to run his fingers through his hair in an attempt of a styling.

"Louis!" His mother yelled, opening the bathroom door, but the second she stepped in her frown dropped.

"Okay, I thought you were still in bed. Are you packed?" She asked.

Louis nodded, and she smiled.
"Good. I'll take your luggage down to the car, make sure you grab your chargers and your second phone. Knowing you you'll drop it over the edge right into the water." She said, kissing his forehead and walking to his room to retrieve the luggage.

"That was one time!" He yelled, while she began laughing.

It was a horrible time. Lottie and him were fighting over his phone, because he wouldn't get off of it to play a game with her, and they ended up by the edge of the ship and - down it went. Into the cold blue water.

He stared after it for awhile, while lottie just huffed and walked away to tell their mum that Louis had dropped his phone- completely leaving her out of the narrative.

He still hasn't told his mum lots was involved, it means nothing now anyway.

Louis walked out of the washroom, and bumped into his mum.

"Sorry darling, I'll be in the car, tell your sister." She said. Louis nodded.

He walked into his room and grabbed a pillow- memory foam- and a soft fuzzy blanket.

He walked down the hall and banged on lotties door.
"Oi! Minger! Get ya arse out." He yelled, walking away and taking the steps down to the second, and then first floor.

He met his mother in the car, and lottie came down shortly there after.

She shoved him, making him collide with the car door, which he didn't shut all the way. He fell onto the concrete beneath him.

"Lottie!" He screamed.

Their mum turned around to see Louis, scrambling to get up from the ground.

"Charlotte!" She screamed.

Louis got up, and closed the door, going to the passenger seat next to his mum instead.

"He called me a minger!" She defended.

Louis rolled his eyes, and got onto his phone.

"Don't shove him again, and Louis stop calling her god awful names, your sister is a lovely girl." She spoke. Lottie smiled.

Louis chuckled.
"She has a funny way of showing it." He said, under his breath.

Lottie scowled again.
"Not my fault you didn't close the door all the way, prat." She mumbled.

He heard it though, obviously, but it was quiet enough for their mother not to.

She started the car, the engine sounding as expensive as it looked.

Louis put his AirPods in, and turned the volume all the way up.

He did not want to hear another word come from her mouth, he just wanted peace.

Which, not even with no one around, does he get.

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