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We pulled up to the car park about four hours later, I was asleep the whole time and apparently mum was talking to lottie about her grades, and how they could be higher.

We parked the car on the third level of the parking garage, and took the lift to the floor level.

There was a line of people up to the ship. I got excited immediately.

I love this time of year, going to sleep in one city and waking up in another. It's great, plus lottie usually finds some knob head to fond over the whole trip. So I'm free of her.

And I get to do whatever I want, alone.

I could cry.

Mum patted my shoulder.
"D'ya have your ticket?" She asked. I nodded, reaching into my back pocket and holing it up.

She grinned, "good lad." She smiled.

We eventually got up to the booth, but some commotion started.

"If you don't have a ticket you can't get on sir," one of the security guards said, holding a man who was kicking to get free.

"Stop! Stop! I've lost my ticket!" He shouted, while still being escorted.

There was a group of them, with plain t-shirts and tattered pants and rough looking hair. God,  I hate chavs.

I rolled my eyes, as I watched a group of them get escorted, but saw that two ran into the ship.

The guards immediately began chasing after them. I shook my head.

My mum squeezed my shoulder.
"If you two ever have friends like that, I'll kill ya." She whispered. We both nodded.

We handed our ticket to the person in the booth, they pushed a stamp down onto it, and handed it back.

"Have a nice trip, next!" He said, shouting the last part.
I put my hand up to my ear to exaggerate the pain.

We walked onto the ship and it was less crowded than usual. Probably due to the fact we arrived early in line. They all yelled at me this morning because they thought we'd be late, well look, we made it.

I walked up to the desk and mum and lots wondered off somewhere.

" Cuse' me I'd like a room please?" I said, to the lady behind the desk.

She nodded, and reached out for my ticket. I handed it to her, and she took something up to it, and scanned the back.

She nodded, and reached behind her for a keycard, and a key.

She leant over and handed it to me.
"4th level, right side." She said.

"Hello! Could I please have a - god- a room." A boy came beside me, breathing fast and leaning on the desk, out of breath.

I stared at him.

"Ticket?" She said, putting her hand out.

He nodded, and reached into his cheap- looking jeans, and got out a crumbled ticket.

She gave a slight look to it, but scanned it nonetheless, and gave him a keycard and key as well.

"Level four, left side." She said.

I rolled my eyes. You've got to be kidding me.

I huffed and grabbed my things, heading to the lift.

I heard footsteps running after mine, and then I heard yelling.

"Hey! Hey! Wait." He said, and grabbed my arm.

I pulled it away from him, and looked at him with disgust.

"Bloody hell- what?" I asked. He gave a sorry look on his face, I almost felt bad.

"Could you - um-" he swallowed "show me where my room is? I've never been on a cruise." He said.

His brown curly, unkept hair got in his eyes.

"I can tell." I said. He frowned. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, whatever, but don't touch me." I said, and he nodded, and walked into the lift with me.

I pressed the fourth button and pressed the close door.

"Alright, i have an ocean view suite, I'm assuming you have the same. Let me see your card." I said.

He gave it to me.

I nodded.

"Yeah, looks like your right across from me." I said, internally ripping my hair out of my head.

Cant believe I have to room across from this git.

I handed his card back to him, and walked onto the left side.

I stopped once I got to room 34. Right across from mine, 74.

"Okay, let me see your keycard." I said, and he handed it over.

I flipped the card over into the side with the barcode.

"You put this side into the scanner, and swipe." I said, doing so as it unlocked his suite.

He nodded.

"Thank you, so much." He said, stepping forward to hug me, I stepped away from his embrace.

"Um, don't mention it." I said, and did the same to my door, waking into my suite.

What a weird boy.

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