1 - A Friend

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A strange small boat was sailing across the grand line and was about to crash with red line until it was stopped. Aria was awake.

"ARE WE THERE YET!" She shouted as she stood up on the boat awakened from her sleep.
"Sit down CAPTAIN!" Hiero exclaimed
"We were going to crash into the redline'"
"Oh" Aria calmly responded whilst sitting back down again.

"Since we can't exactly go to fishman island, we have to climb the redline but how ar-" he stopped as he saw Aria trying to climb the redline like ACTUALLY grab onto the stone
"This dumbass'" he thought as he tried to get Aria down from the stone.

"Oi Hiero, I smell food let's go" she said
' I know I can see the meat in your eyes!' He scolded her. He knew she still loved food more than anything else but even after 3 years she still hasn't changed. He sighed in relief and smiled, glad his captain was still as amazing as she was.

"Captain, why don't you go up and fetch me a rope instead  of trying to climb that" Hiero calmly states "Ok let me try to find a rope if there even is one"

Aria flew up instantly. She tried to find a rope and to her luck she found one on the ground next to her. She didn't think anything of it and threw the rope down.

Hiero climbed up and saw the view, his face was covered in awe. Meanwhile Aria was itching to go towards the smell of food and to be honest so was Hiero.

They hadn't had food in days and were very hungry. Hiero warned Aria to be quiet and then realised that today was the day of the reverie. As he was about to inform the captain, she ran off. His face dead panned "this was bound to happen'" he then had to try and search for his captain
"Why am I here again?" he said to himself

Aria ran off and she was about to enter the courtyard. It was filled with many people dressed like royals and nobles. She realised she had left Hiero and came to a conclusion on where she was.
"Mariejois, where the Heavenly Dragons reside and today must be the day of the Reverie!" she loudly whispered.
"Who are you?'" She was broken from her train of thought as the knight approached her with armour covering his entire body.
"My name is Monk- Aria, a servant at the palace"she said with a very convincing poker face. Unlike her mischievous brother, she could lie and fool the people around her. "Come with me" the knight stated and proceeded to walk forward. To avoid suspicion, Aria did not hesitate to follow him. If he wanted a fight he would get one.

Suddenly, she was in a dark space with lantern lit and was surrounded by unknown people
"who are you'" she spoke nonchalantly.
The knight removed his armour revealing blond hair, big eyes and scar slit across his one of his eyes. He jumped down and put on his top hat as he questioned
"Do you not remember me big sister Aria?" 
Her face turned into a shocked expression and she stood still, processing what she had just heard. The voice, the hair and same cheeky but calm attitude.
"SABO" she yelled and tears started falling down her face. She embraced him with her all her might.
"When I came back from my mission, Ace and Luffy had told me you died" she cried even more and he as well started crying. "I thought you had died sister, after that newspaper stating that you went missing, I was devastated and I never died especially after Dragon saved me" He said whilst crying.

"Anyways, sister why are you here?"
after recovering from crying she spoke.
"I was heading towards Wano to see Luffy and finish a fight that I started"  Sabo looked confused and questioned further
"But then why are you here in mariejois?"

"Oh, this  was the easiest way to go to the new world since me and Hiero didn't have a boat" sabo tilted his head.
"Hiero?" He asked.
"My doctor!" I responded excitedly.
Sabo looked concerned
"Where is he?" He asked once again
"I don't really know, I think I lost him"

Meanwhile Hiero was dressed up as a knight since he found some armour lying on the floor. He looked through the walls of the castle trying to search for a particular captain.
"Where are you Aria!?"

"KUMA HAS BEEN SOLD TO THE CELESTIAL DRAGONS!" Aria exclaimed. She went quiet.
"Not so loud sister and yes he traded his life to the government so they could do experiments on him and now he is being used as a slave-" Sabo couldn't continue. He was too angry.

Aria was beyond furious. Kuma was a person who she respected and considered a friend. She had to save him.
"I'm gonna help you save him no matter what!" she stated the rest of the group looked at her with smiles and determination as they knew the extent of her power and confidence.


I hope u guys liked the first chapter!!
I rewrote it because it was bad
don't worry the story will get get better and Aria's devil fruit will be explained.

I changed the crew mate to Hiero because he was better fit to be with her and I changed her personality since she was more mature then Luffy and is 26 not a child!
Aside from that I hope you like it

see you in the next chapter!💨

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