Chapter 3

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Josie's POV

I walked over to Dylan's door and the yelling didn't sound like yelling anymore. It sounded like the the volume on the TV was just tuned up really loud. I was about to knock, but then the TV was turned down. I was just about to knock to ask why it was turned up so loud when someone opened the door. It wasn't Dylan though. It was some girl. She smiled at me a nice pretty smile and then left. She had strawberry-blonde hair and light green eyes. She was fairly short and she was just the right size. I do have to admit that she was really pretty. Then Dylan came to the door. His hair was messy and his shirt was on the other side of the room.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" he asked.

"I just wanted to know." I asked.

"She's just one of my friends from the show." he said. Only I knew they weren't just friends.

"Friends? I'm not that stupid." I said.

"What? Do you think were dating?! Because trust me were not!" Dylan let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm not retarded Dylan! You guys were obviously having sex!" I yelled.

"You really think that! We were not!" Dylan whined like a little kid.

"Your hair is a mess, your shirt is on the other side of the room, the TV was turned up so loud I thought someone was screaming, and this girl practically walked out to her car in her underwear!" I replied. I don't know why, but I was so mad at Dylan! I don't even like him anymore!

"Oh chill. She was wearing a dress." Dylan said as if it was no big deal.

"Oh. I guess I wouldn't notice since it looked like a shirt!" I yelled.

"Why do you even care so much! You said that you hated me!" Dylan replied. I just stood there confused as ever because I don't remember ever once saying that.

"I never once said that! I said that I'm not going to forgive you quite yet! That's all I said. I hate you never once came out of my mouth!" I yelled back.

"Well I remember you saying that." Dylan said a little more calm. I was still not calm whatsoever.

"Well you remembered wrong!" I yelled.

"I don't even know why this is such a big-" Ashley cut Dylan off.

"Forget it!" she yelled even louder. "C'mon Josie. Let's just go." she finished. I glanced at Dylan one more time before walking away. I jumped when I heard Dylan slam his door.

We got in our car and drove to the grocery store. When we got there I just grabbed the essentials and a few snacks that would hold me off until my next pay check. After that Ashley said she was getting tired so I dropped her off at her dorm and I went back home. I have school tomorrow -which I'm not looking forward to, by the way- and I still have a little homework to finish. All I have to do is finish a report about someone in my life who is or was special to me. I chose Dylan, and now I know it was a mistake to choose him. I should have just chosen Ashley. Mostly because those endless days of her whining about not choosing her, I'll never get back.

I walked in my apartment and set the grocery's down and started putting them away. I didn't get a lot so it didn't take me as long. I kind of wished it took me longer so I would have an excuse not to do homework. I was almost done putting things away when I got a text. It was from my dad asking for picture of my 'New Place' as he said. I sent him a few and he said it looked great and that he'll be up soon to check it out. I asked him when soon would be and he said a couple of weeks. I was a little relieved when he said a couple of weeks because I needed some time to get myself and my life back together some how.

Once I was done putting grocery's away I went upstairs to grab my laptop. When I got up there, there were some things on my bed. There was two new pairs of shoes and a new phone case. I was really confused and now a little paranoid. I looked around to see if anyone was in my room with me, but I didn't see anyone. I tried on the shoes and they fit perfectly. I was still so confused because the only people who know my shoes size is Ashley and my dad. I know Ashley couldn't of put them here because she was with me the whole day! She obviously didn't put them there when I was showering because I would have seen them when I came out. Who the heck got into my apartment! I walked downstairs to see if anyone was here, but no one was.

The only person I could ask if someone got in would be Dylan, but I really don't want to talk to him right now. I texted Ashley to see if she was the one who did it, but she wasn't. I was really confused. Now I had no choice whatsoever other than to ask Dylan if anyone got in. I walked downstairs about to open the door, but then someone knocked. I looked through the little hole in the door and it was Dylan. I stood still for a few minutes before he knocked again.

"I know your in there Josie." he said. I stood still for a moment. "Josie, c'mon. Open up. I need to talk to you." I kept still. When I heard footsteps walk away and Dylan's door shut I opened my door and looked out into the hallway. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the hall. I let out a little shriek. When I looked up, I found that it was Dylan.

"What the hell Dylan! I almost peed my pants!" I yelled.

"I know. I'm sorry. By the way, like the shoes?." Dylan said.

"Yeah I do, but I don't need them. You don't have to buy your way back into my life." I said.

"A simple thank you would have worked." Dylan smiled.

"How did you even get into my apartment? Wait, how did you know my shoe size?" I asked.

"The landlord let me in and I remember you telling me your shoes size a few years ago." he said.

"Well what if my feet might have gotten bigger?" I asked.

"I asked your dad if your shoe size was the same." he said.

"Wait? My dad knows you live next to me again?" I asked. Now I was really confused.

"Yup. He paid for half of the apartment." he said.

"Well now I guess I know who to blame now, don't I?" I said.

"Look I don't know why your so mad about this! I thought you would be excited to see me!" Dylan said. He stepped a little closer and my heart started to beat faster than it already was.

"Well I was! But I know your going to leave again, so I didn't want to get to attached to you again." I said a little embarrassed.

"You were attached to me?" Dylan asked with a smirk. He leaned in and I ducked.

"You tried to kiss me?!" I yelled. Dylan rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well I was not expecting this kind of reaction." Dylan mumbled.

"You know what, whatever. I don't have time to be mad. I have to finish my homework. Goodnight." I walked inside my apartment and shut the door and my back hit the back of it. I can't believe Dylan just tried to kiss me.



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XOXO- Lexi:))))

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