Dear Readers

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Thanks for checking out my story. It really does mean a lot to me that you all really enjoy it so much, and seeing the comments and votes you guys leave really brings me light on dark days.

That being said, I unfortunately have run out of motivation to finish Memories Within the Walls. There are a lot of factors that did go into this, and this isn't exactly a sudden thought I had either.

The plot and au will always have a place in my heart, and the potential for me to revisit and complete the idea will always exist as long as I continue to write mcyt fics.

You can perhaps cross your fingers and hope that one day inspiration will strike me again, and the ghosty bois will get the happy ending they deserve. However, until then, their fate will remain a mystery to even I. If I ever do, they first people I will tell will be my followers on twitter @cococapes, so follow me on there for updates, as well as other projects I'm currently working on.

If you do want more sbi content, I would highly recommend reading an au that I created regarding the family dynamic titled "Not All Heroes":
It is a modern fantasy story about Phil and past lives and Techbur twins, and I think if you enjoyed Memories, you'll be able to enjoy that as well.

Thank you for understanding, and I really hope to see every one of you again in the list of kudos or comments under my other stories.

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