Chapter One

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Three Years Later

Caidyn sprinted through the forest her long curls tangling around her neck. Her entire body ached from the constant travel and her dwindling food and water supplies added to the constant fear and anxiety. The weight of her backpack seemed to drag her towards the ground, making the journey even harder. She gripped the long sword tied at her waist, stolen what felt like eons ago. Before she would've thought a sword stupid and childish but things had changed and she no longer held the luxury of ignorance. Now she had to wield the sword and fend for herself, alone. She had always felt incapable to surviving on her own and yet still on the run. Not just from the monsters and the cruel humans who seemed to reign over their destroyed planet, but from herself. And now here she was, cloaked in the dewy light of early morning, lost and though she hated to admit it, terrified. She slowed and glanced around the empty forest, willing a monster to come and attack. Unable to contain her exhaustion, Caidyn slumped down, her back against a tree. She crumbled inward, gripping the hilt of the weapon on her waist and the strap of her pack. She wanted to cry. The world was a horrible wretched place and she wanted no part of it any longer. She kicked her feet against the soil, trying to keep herself from screaming in anguish. Her eyes welled up with tears but she refused to let herself cry. She wasn't a child anymore. She had grown up. The early morning mist made the forest look beautiful, even peaceful. She rested against the tree, trying to slow her gasping breaths. She closed her eyes, trying to envision a future free of fear and pain. The thought was so distant and far fetched she nearly laughed. There was nothing in the world that indicated she would ever be free from this nightmare. She lifted her head, glimpsing the patches of blue sky poking through the treetops.

"Give me a sign." She murmured softly. "A sign that I'm going to be okay." A breeze rustled through the forest, sending a shiver down Caidyn's spine. She curled into a ball against the tree, hugging herself for warmth. Overcome with grief and exhaustion she slowly let her eyes fall closed as she slipped under the spell of the ever elusive sleep.

By the time Caidyn awoke the sun was already slipping below the horizon, basking the forest in a deep golden glow. She blinked the sleep away from her eyes and pushed herself upright, frantically checking for her backpack and weapon. How could she have slept through the entire day? A crackle of sticks sounded from behind the tree. Caidyn jumped to her feet, fumbling to throw her backpack on and extend her sword. But by then, it was too late. A small horde of beasts were shuffling towards her, their jaws hanging open at the sight of fresh meat. The smell of death enveloped the creatures and they moaned and grunted as they stumbled closer. They weren't fast but there was two many monsters for Caidyn to take on alone. Fighting them was suicide but she was doubtful she'd be able to escape with her life. She clutched her sword tightly. She would die fighting, she would summon all the courage that she could muster and holding the weapon that her sister had once defended them with. Something about death was strangely calming to Caidyn. Despite her day of rest, she was still exhausted, starving and thirsty. She wouldn't last on her own. The beasts stalked closer, reaching their boney fingers, trying to caress her flesh. She remained frozen, trying to summon courage as she stared death in the eye. They clambered closer as Caidyn took a shaky step back, the nerves finally exposing themselves. The creatures continued, stumbling forward and crying out in agony. Holding up her sword, Caidyn sucked in a breath, pasting an expression of calm on her face.

They inched closer. Five steps, four steps, three steps...she counted, her heart slamming in her chest. As she watched a wave of misery flooded over her body.This was the end. She would never go further, never find friends, never start a family. She was destined to die here and now. Heart racing, she stepped forward preparing to strike. The walkers clustered towards her. She swung, slicing the chest of the closest beast. They groaned in agony, furious at this temporary setback. Caidyn raised her sword to strike again just as something whipped past Caidyn's head, nearly grazing her cheek. She spun in time to see an arrow pierce the neck of one of the monsters. Caidyn froze in disbelief, shocked that someone had come to her rescue. She stumbled back, trying to avoid the beasts as she searched for the heroic culprit. The creatures seemed more agitated with one of their group gone. They turned back towards Caidyn, returning to their conquest. Suddenly, a red haired boy sprinted out of the forest, a crossbow in his grip. He shot another arrow with expert aim, hitting another target. He continued to fire, loading arrow after arrow into the weapon and targeting the creatures one after the other. Caidyn tried to catch her breath, overwhelmed at seeing her first human face in weeks. As she recovered from her shock, one of the creatures slipped towards her, lunging to grab her arm. Caidyn dove towards the ground with a yelp, fumbling to grab her weapon and fight back. The creature stalked forward, its eyes wide as it loomed over Caidyn. She bit her lip and shut her eyes, hoping that death would come quickly. She heard a strangled groan and opened her eyes to see the beast crumple to the ground near her feet. A small curved knife was embedded in the back of its head. She yanked the blade from the monster, looking up to thank her mysterious hero. But the red haired boy was sprinting deeper into the forest.

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