Chapter Three

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The group had been walking for nearly an hour when the pond came into view. It wasn't very big, about the size of a kiddie pool but deep for a pond of that size. Compelled by dehydration and her exhaustion, Caidyn used the last bit of her energy to run to the waters edge, splashing her face with water and relishing in the warm afternoon air. Seth chuckled and followed suit, tearing off his sneakers and splashing into the pond, soaking the bottom of his pants. He splashed at Caidyn playfully as he rinsed his dark hair. Caleb took the more civilized approach; laughing at his friends before rinsing his hands in the water. Caidyn exhaled, letting her aching body relax into the quiet bliss of the moment.  She wanted to dive into the pond and swim but she fought back the urge, instead resigning to soaking her bare feet into the cool water and resting back on the forest floor. She gazed up at the sun dappled tree tops, enjoying the rare feeling of contentment that had washed over her.

"This is amazing." Seth cried breathlessly and she could only nod in agreement. With the world in its disastrous state, these simple moments made all the difference. Years ago she would've taken a moment like this for granted but now? She let the sun beams warm her body as she thanked the universe for water, sunshine, new friends and safety. Finally being tethered back to reality, Caidyn sat up and crossed to Caleb to help collect their water.

"What do you normally do with this?" Caidyn questioned looking down at the pond water. "Just fill up the water bottles?" Caleb smiled proudly. He reached into one of the large packs and produced a large water jug filled with rocks and bits of cloth. 

"I made a water purifier. You just layer pebbles, cloth, sand and charcoal and pour your water through. It makes it safe to drink." Caleb announced. Caidyn looked at him, amazed. 

" How did you know to do that?" She asked, genuinely astonished. Seth rolled his eyes playfully as he crossed out of the pond to help. 

"Way too many survival shows. This guy was ready for an apocalypse before we hit third grade." Seth countered with a chuckle. Caleb splashed him playfully.

"And look where that got me." He retorted. "I'm way smarter than you!" Seth laughed as he fiddled with the top of a bottle.

"That's all him and his girlfriend ever did." He chuckled. Caidyn glanced towards Caleb as the light drained from his eyes. His face flushed beet red and he turned away from the group. 

"She wasn't my girlfriend." Caleb said softly. The air was silent. Caidyn watched Caleb as she focused anywhere but his companions. She swore she could see tears in his eyes. She looked away, guilty. 

"We should get going." Caleb announced, standing and tossing his backpack over his shoulder. He seemed very shaken, whoever Seth had brought up had rustled up old memories for his brother. Caidyn nodded and climbed to her feet, Seth following suit. He obviously didn't understand that he'd hurt Caleb. Caidyn shook her head. Siblings could never tell when they'd crossed the line. She didn't want to hurt Caleb more but she wondered kind of history the boys were hiding. The silence was stiff and awkward as they stored their packs and began their journey back. It was as if the new friends didn't know each other anymore. Caidyn wanted to say something, to bring the conversation back to normal but she couldn't bring herself to speak. As the silence reached a deafening roar, Caidyn heard the distant sound of snapping twigs. She whipped around, her eyes wide as Caleb and Seth did the same.

"Who is that?!" Seth whispered, gripping Trevor's lead. Caleb looked around intently, his eyes flitting from tree to tree. There was another rustle, followed by a piercing, urgent scream.

"This way." Seth said pointing towards the west. She nodded and together they began to jog through the brush, Caleb leading the charge. Caidyn didn't understand it but there was something so painfully familiar about the scream. Something cold and lonely, something that she just couldn't shake. She needed to find this person. Besides, she had seen enough death and destruction for a lifetime; if she could spare more bloodshed in the world, she would. 

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