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#LoveShots is a contest held by @IndiaCentral for the month of love, February. 

4 Prompts x 4 Rounds = 4 One-Shots 

I didn't at first wanted to participate as I have to complete my current works. But, when I saw the prompt, I just had to because the first prompt is one of my favorite quote, something I believe in, heart and soul. Though, my blurb has the original quote from The Little Prince, I will be using the one mentioned as the prompt for the story. I love this concept of "Invisble" as well.

My story will not exactly be paranormal. It's more an Historical Romance with Fantasy and Magical Elements. 

I plan to write this as a single story and not as 4 different One-Shots. But, I can confirm it after we get the second prompt.

It is a great contest and I hope more people participate. 

Winning is not always the ultimate thing. For me, more competitors means more fun.

Thanks to the Organisers for an amazing contest. I am hoping for a rose to appear in one of the prompts since its about love and well... the quote. :)

All the Best to all the Participants.


Dated: 05/02/2015

Cursed against Love (Love Shots Contest)Where stories live. Discover now