38. past to present

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The first 10 minutes of the walk were devoured by awkward silence till hyunjin finally spoke up "I'm really sorry. I don't know what got into him, but please don't be offended but his words"

"But were his words true?" Asked changbin looked up at the taler male who couldn't divert his eyes from the side walk before him

"Partly, you see i was kinda a different person before leaving home, I did do a lot of stupid things, but I changed. Also he hasn't seen me since I left" answered hyunjin and changbin just hummed in response

"How did you and Daehwi became friends?" Changbin asked also choosing to focus on the pavement ahead

"We actually have been friends as long as I can remember" hyunjin said with a small smile on my face "we allways have been there for each other, like then his father died and I stayed at his house for 3 weeks to make sure that he slept properly. He's like a little brother to me"

"What about your father?" Asked changbin "I noticed he's not around"

"I never knew my father. I was raised by my mom and specifically by nannys and babysitters because my mom was always working to keep her fathers company at fought" hyunjin told

"And what about that girl in your family picture? Do you have a sister?" Asked changbin and hyunjin's face dropped a little bit

"Yeah, my sister Yeji. She died." Said Hyunjin plainly shocking changbin

"Oh my god, I'm really sorry. What happened?" Changbin asked, yet again staring at the younger with wide eyes

"She got into a driving accident with a friend going home from a party, they both didn't survive till the morning" hyunjin told getting visibility upset.

Changbin didn't know how to react so he just took hyunjins hand in his squeezing it "I'm so so sorry. If you want to talk about it please do, don't hold back your emotions" he said lightly brushing his thumb over hyunjin's knuckles

"Don't worry, everything is ok. Do you want to get ice cream?" And just as that he deverted the subject making changbin more confused as even

 Do you want to get ice cream?" And just as that he deverted the subject making changbin more confused as even

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Hey guys, how are you all doing? As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will leave your feedback on it.

Have an amazing week💗💖


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