10. wakey wakey

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"wake wake, you don't wanna be late" said Hyunjin standing next to changbin's bed

Changbin lazaly rubed his eyes looking up to the boy who was smirking at him " what should I wear" he asked

"Your uniform dummy" answered Hyunjin going to a closet that Changbin hadn't opened yet. He took out the uniform throwing it to the older "It should be a little big on you but it will do" said the boy going to his own closet

"Who's uniform is it?" Asked Changbin looking at the pant sweater combo in his hands

"My ex roommate's, but don't worry you will get your own soon" answered Hyunjin going straight to a bathroom

After about 20 minutes both boy were already heading out the door going to canteen for breakfast

Then they arrived at there destination the whole gang was already there. Changbin couldn't believe that the funny guys from last night were the same people sitting with him at the table. They, compered to last night, were extremely quite, just eating, not speaking a lot.

"Changbin can you show me your timetable" asked Minho finally breaking his gaze with jisung.

Changbin saying nothing started digging through his backpack finally finding a sheet with his timetable, giving it to Minho

"Oh we have almost the same classes together "said Minho smiling at Changbin

"What about the other?" Asked Changbin

"They all are in a class below our's. We only have PE with them, but don't stress I'll take good care of you" said the boy with a even bigger smile

 We only have PE with them, but don't stress I'll take good care of you" said the boy with a even bigger smile

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