Chapter 1

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I was currently drinking my 3rd cup of coffee and it was 3:00 am in the morning. I was still writing my essay to turn in for my college application, I really wanted to go to this college, because it was my dream ever since I was a little. This application was not even due until 2 more weeks, but hey first come first serve, right? I know, your probably thinking THIS GURL IS CRAZY, but let me tell you, I'm not that social and I have a lot of time on my hands, so I have nothing else better to do. By the time I was finished with my application, I checked the clock and it was 3:30. I started to feel my eye lids slowing closing and my surroundings starting to become dimmer, so I decided it was time to go sleep. I took a quick glance in the mirror next to my desktop, my long brown hair was in a messy bun on top of my head and my ugly brown eyes looking slightly darker, due to how sleepy I was. I tucked my self into my soft warm covers, turned off my light and then sleep took over me in a matter of seconds.

-3 weeks later-

I woke up in the morning from my loud alarm blasting in my ears, "SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING THERE, IN HER AMERICAN APPAREL UNDERW....", I turned off my alarm and a groaned into my pillow, the sun was bursting through my curtains and shined on my face. I squinted my eyes to look at the calendar next to my nightstand, it was the day I been waiting for my whole life, the day where I circled the date like a hundred times, it was the date were I would find out if I got accepted into NYSC, New York State college ( authors note: I made up this college). Once a looked at my calendar again to make sure it was the right date, I ran down stairs not caring if I still had on my unicorn pajama pants and my high school gym shirt on. I looked like a paralyzed giraffe when I was running towards the mailbox, but I was that excited. When I opened my mailbox, I saw the big white envelope, waiting to be opened. I grabbed the envelope and stared at it, To: Mia Roberts, From: NYSC. I teared the envelope open, being carful to not rip anything inside, and saw the first sentence that made my heart race, " congratulations Mia Roberts, we are pleased to tell you that you have been accepted into NYSC, where you would be getting a full scholarship,due to your outstanding academics in school. We will be sending your dorm and information about NYSC to your email" I screamed so loud that I think my whole Neighborhood heard me, my dream just came true. I ran inside to find my mom and dad smiling at me while enjoying their coffee at the dinner table. "MOM GUESS WHAT?" I said as I was walking towards my parents. "What?" She said after she took a small sip of her coffee. " I got accepted into NYSC with a scholarship , can you believe it?", she made the biggest smile I ever seen her made in a long time, since my younger brother died. " Of course honey, I knew you would get into this college since the beginning, but with a scholarship? THAT'S AMAZING!" My dad looked up from his newspaper looking as happy as my mom, he reached into his pocket " here honey, I'm giving you 500$ to buy clothes and supplies for school." I looked at the money shocked because my dad barley gave me money because he told me to always save because we didn't have much. my dad always went to the hospital for his cancer check ups, so we had a lot of medical bills to pay for but we still have enough money to survive. I took the money hesitantly,"are your sure? Thanks dad", I gave him a quick peck on his cheek and my moms before heading back up to my room. I opened up my email to review my dorm and school information, my dorm was a single, so I had it all to myself and it was paid for already from my scholarship. since it says I would be moving in 1 week, I had a lot to do. Since I lived in Washington and had to move to New York for college, I had to pack a lot of stuff.

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