The big surprise

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One day there was a sour patch kid and the big  valentines dance was inching closer and close but he was lonely and couldn't find anyone to go with so he went around town asking everyone but no one could go so he was super sad. After a long time  he gave up and went home and said " hi mom how was your day" and then his mom said " good honey how was yours?" And he said " No I still can't find a date to the dance" but his mom put a big smile on her face and said "Go up to your room there's a surprise" so the little sour patch kid went upstairs and opened his door and saw his best friend since 2nd grade she'd moved away in 5th grade but his mom must've gotten a hold of her some how because there she was standing right in front of his eyes and more beautiful then ever. Right before a word she said would you go to the valentines dance with me and he jumped and down and said yes yes yes yes. And the two sour patch kids grew up got married had a baby girl named ava and a baby boy named Byron and they lived happily ever after.

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