Chapter 2 - The Prince

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A/N: Getting settled! Enjoy

Warning(s): Swearing

Word Count: 4.8k

Credits: Check her out! her artwork is incredible and this series wouldn't be happening without her :)

Credits:  ​ Check her out! her artwork is incredible and this series wouldn't be happening without her :)

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"Here is where you will be staying indefinitely. You have an hour before your etiquette lessons start. They will be held in the library on the first floor at exactly 10 o'clock. Please do get settled; your uniforms are hanging in your wardrobe. You are expected to wear them every day unless told otherwise," Olive opened the door. I gave her my thanks for showing me around, and she took her leave. Once she was gone, I stepped into my new room.

It was better than I'd expected, honestly. I had assumed I'd receive a bed and wardrobe, and while the room did have those essentials, it certainly wasn't limited to them. There was a dark wooden desk in the right corner; a matching wardrobe leaned against the wall next to it. The room was lit up by two glass doors leading to a balcony. I instinctively took a step towards them and found myself standing on a cream-colored rug. It was perfectly circular and looked very expensive. I hastily shuffled off of it, not wanting my dirty shoes to taint its color.

I proceeded to the balcony. There were two pots of blue flowers in each corner, as well as a bench sat in between both doors. Despite my aching feet, I found myself at the railing, clutching it firmly. I ignored the discomfort of the chilly autumn air nipped at my skin. From where I stood, I could see rooftops and people moving through the city, albeit they did look like dots from this height. I tried to look past the walls, tried to see home. Of course, all I could see were fuzzy blobs vaguely resembling trees. I couldn't help but think of Jasper. God, I hope he's okay. I wonder if he'll be upset with me when I come back.

Reluctantly, I shoved Jasper from my mind and retreated into my bedroom, kicking off my shoes as I sauntered over to my wardrobe. Upon first glance, I could tell it was handcrafted. However, it had undeniably seen better days. The wood was chipped in numerous places, and one of the knobs was dangerously loose. I gingerly opened its doors to reveal several white dresses. I pulled one out and held it up to my chest; it looked as if it'd fit me well. I stood in front of the vanity adjacent to the wardrobe to examine it further. The dress was quite simple, just a flowy frock paired with a dark blue corset and green apron.

I made sure my door was locked and got undressed. I then slipped into the corset and attempted to tie it on my own. I thought I had done quite well, but when I examined myself in the mirror, my eyes widened at the sight. The ribbons were twisted, wonky, and overall atrocious, barely acceptable. Yet, it was the best I could manage. I had never been a fan of the restricting garment.

I went back to the wardrobe to hang up Ginny's dress when I was dressed. Upon getting close to the closet, my eye caught sight of a loose panel in the back of it. Quickly, I pushed the dresses to the side to get a better look. "Huh," I mused aloud. The board had a slight bend in the corner of it as though it had been forcefully yanked from its place on more than one occasion. Curiosity got the better of me, and I reached out my fingers and grasped the corner, testing the waters, seeing how much it would give. Surprisingly, it resisted my gentle tug. Although this should've deterred me, I was too interested now. I planted my foot firmly in front of me, bent my knees, and yanked on the panel. It remained stuck. I tried again; this time, it gave way so easily that I toppled over onto my back with a loud thud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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