Chapter 4

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The week flew by, it was already Friday. The concert was tomorrow night. I was extremely excited. I had told my parents that I would be staying at Jordan's that night. I met Jordan at lunch and we talked more about tomorrow and mostly just fangirled the whole time.
My last class for the day was history... I don't really like history because I sit on the opposite side of the room from my friends, but I almost always pay attention. Today was different. I was so anxious and excited for the 5sos concert tomorrow night, that I couldn't even sit still. All I could do was daydream about them noticing us or being able to meet them. Before I knew it the bell rang. I rushed out of the classroom and went to my locker to get the rest of my things. I accidentally walked by the 'mean girl group' There were three of them. All blond, just like in the TV shows and movies. They were rich and snotty. As I passed, they gave me dirty looks but I couldn't be bothered. I smiled and waved at them, then walked away. The look on their faces was pretty funny. When I walked out the doors I called my mom. Within minutes she was right where she always parks. I happily jumped into the car and smiled at her. " Wow! You must be really excited for tomorrow! I've never seen you so happy after school!" My mom said. I just smiled and nodded. The ride home was short like it always was. I grabbed my key, and again rushed to the house, unlocking the door, and running to my room. I quickly looked over my outfit for tomorrow night, I've stared at it every night this week admiring it. It was casual and I think it looked pretty cool too. Jordan and I were both proud of our clothing choices but I think I was happier than she was.
I had no homework this weekend and decided to just play some music and scroll through Instagram, Twitter, and every other social media I had on my phone. My mom eventually called me down to dinner, and to my surprise my dad was home. He works at an office and he usually doesn't get home until everyone is asleep. I gave him a hug and sat down to dinner. My mom had made a chicken dish, it was amazing. After dinner I thanked her and went back to my room. I decided on getting a shower tomorrow so I felt cleaner than I would if I had showered now. I went downstairs and used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then watched TV with my parents for a while before saying goodnight and heading to bed. ______________________________________________________
The big day is tomorrow!!! I'm so proud of this story so far, and for the people reading this, it really means a lot. I put a lot of time into this story and I'm really happy with it... I hope you are too! I will be updating soon, And next chapter is going to be a good one!! Goodbye loves!! ♡♡♡

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