Chapter 8

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Alyx's P.O.V.

Jordan and I walked closely behind the security guard, as soon as he stopped and pointed to a door, my heart started to beat even faster than before.
" Don't be nervous, they're great guys." The security guard said. I took a deep breath and looked at Jordan who nodded. I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. The first person I saw was Luke, he looked at me and smiled, then I saw Calum, Michael, and Ashton. My stomach was doing flips. Ashton motioned us to come over and sit at the couch. I put my bag on the ground by the door, Jordan did the same, then we walked over to the boys. They each gave us a big hug and then we all sat on the couch.
"I bet you're both wondering why you're here." Said Michael smiling.
" Yeah, just a little." Jordan said quietly.
" We'll get to that later, but for now, I think we should all get to know each other, you two look a bit nervous. "
Said Calum.
Luke and Ashton were really quiet, but I didn't think much of it.
" I'll go first " Jordan said " I'm Jordan, I'm 17, I love music and I play the drums, but I'm learning the guitar."
" Maybe Luke could give you lessons, and teach you some other st-" Michael was about to finish his sentence when Luke smacked him in the arm. He just gave a smirk and stopped talking.
" That would be nice. " Jordan said, she was blushing so much, so I decided to help her out a little.
" I'm Alyx, I'm also 17, and I also love music, I like to sing and play the guitar, but I want to learn how to play the drums."
Ashton smiled, I smiled back also blushing like Jordan.
" It's really nice to meet you both." Said Calum.
" So, who's up for truth or dare? " Michael said with a smirk.
" I'll play. " Jordan said. " I will too." I replied smiling.
" Okay, everyone sit in a circle on the floor, then we can start. "
Jordan and I looked at each other and sat down. Ashton sat next to me and Luke sat next to her. Ashton looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I saw Luke say something to Jordan, but I couldn't quite understand what he said, whatever it was, it made her blush so much. I saw Luke blush too. They're so cute!
" Who wants to go first? "
asked Luke,
" I will! "
Michael said, a little too excited. I could tell he was up to something.
" Ashton truth or dare? "
Ashton gave Michael a pleading look then said, " Dare. "
" I dare you, to kiss Alyx! "
My eyes went wide and I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked at ashton who was blushing fiercely, he then gave Michael the dirtiest look I've ever seen.
Then he turned to me.
" If it's okay with you, you don't have to, I completely understand- "
" It's fine. " I cut him off, I turned to Jordan who gave me a thumbs up, with a big smile. I turned back to Ash and nodded. He leaned in and kissed me, I swear sparks flew. But as soon as it started, it was over.
Ashton looked at me flustered. "Awes" and "oohs" filled the room as Ashton moved a little closer to me. Jordan nudged my arm with her elbow and winked at me. I gave her a look then leaned my head on Ashton's shoulder. He put an arm around me as we continued the game.
" Truth or Dare Jordan? "
She looked at me and smirked
" Dare. " she replied.
" Okay, I dare you to kiss Luke's cheek."
I smirked back.
It seemed like Luke was almost nervous even though he wasn't doing anything.
"Well, if it's okay with you, I mean- " Luke took Jordan's hand and looked her in the eye.
" It's fine, love. "
Jordan's face went red. It was pretty adorable.
" O- okay... "
Jordan went to kiss Luke's cheek when he turned and kissed her on the lips. His face went red too. They pulled away, both flustered and embarrassed.
"Awe!! That's so cute!"
I exclaimed. Jordan looked at Luke and then leaned on his shoulder like I did to ash, Luke put his arm around her and rubbed her arm gently as the game continued.
We played for about an hour. The last two dares ended up being, Mikey daring Calum to run down the hall naked, which was hilarious, and Calum daring Mikey to lick the toilet seat, which was pretty gross. We ended the game when we all got hungry.
" I want food." Michael said.
" Is pizza okay guys? " Calum looked at Jordan and I.
" Sure. " Jordan said
" Pizza sounds great! " I replied.
" okay, I'll order, be right back. " Mikey said.
He walked out of the room leaving the 5 of us looking at each other.
"What are your favorite movies?" Luke looked at Jordan, then at me.
" The Nightmare Before Christmas." Jordan said looking at Luke.
" I love that movie! " The blonde boy exclaimed.
" What about you, love? " Ash asked me.
" Finding Nemo " I blushed.
Ashton chuckled.
" That's adorable, It's one of my favorites too. " He winked at me as I felt the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
" Wanna watch some movies when Michael gets back with the pizza? "
Luke suggested.
" Sure, that sounds great! " Jordan replied.
" Okay, we can go back to the hotel and watch movies and eat food! If you guys want. " Ashton said.
" I'll text my mom and let her know. We booked a hotel so she won't really care, but she would freak, she doesn't really know we met you guys. " she said smiling
" Can you FaceTime her? " Ashton asked.
" Okay! She's gonna be so surprised! We can call Allie's mom after. "
Ashton smirked.
" Allie? " He said.
" It's my nickname." I smiled.
" Okay, well that will be your new contact name Allie, but I'll need your number first. "
I blushed and typed my number into his phone.
" Hey mom, look who we met! " Jordan exclaimed.
" OH MY GOD IS THAT REALLY THEM?!? " Her mom was obviously surprised.
" Yup, I'm one genuine Luke Hemmings, and this is Ash, and Cal. "
Jordan smiled and looked back at her mother.
" We're going to go to their hotel to watch some movies, I just thought I should tell you that, thanks to you I met my idols, thanks for buying us tickets mom." Jordan's mother smiling widely as Mikey walked into the room.
" PIZZA IS HERE! " he exclaimed
Jordan and I giggled and said our goodbyes to her mother. We then hung up and walked over to the boys.
" let's call Alyx's mom, then go to the hotel." Jordan said, we all nodded as I pulled out my phone and FaceTimed my mother, I was really happy when she picked up. It pretty much went down the same way it did with Jordan's mom, she screamed, then we talked, but before we could hang up, Mikey asked to talk to her. I was confused, but then handed him the phone, he walked out of the room and said he'd be right back. I looked at Ash and wondered what Michael could be talking about.

Michael's P.O.V

" Hello, I'm Mikey, and I have a question for you."
Alyx's mom smiled and nodded
" My Friend Ashton here is a little shy, so I'll do this for him, he wants to ask your daughter out, would you be okay with that? "
" I think that would be amazing, Alyx would freak out, she always favorited that curly haired one."
I chuckled
" Okay, thank you!! I'll tell ash now, oh, and are you okay with them coming back to our hotel to watch movies? "
" Umm, sure That's fine!" She smiled
" Okay, I'll give you back to her so she can say goodbye and stuff."
"That'd be great, and thanks for asking!" She chuckled.
" No problem. " I smiled and walked back into the room.

Alyx's P.O.V

Mikey walked back in with a sly smile and handed me my phone.
" Have fun honey, I love you and be careful okay? " my mom said,
" Yes mom, I love you too, tell dad the same, goodnight! "
We hung up and Ashton looked at Mikey. He just smiled back as they lead us back out of the room to the car they use to get to their hotels. I stepped on and sat down, Ashton climbed in on the other side and sat next to me, Jordan sat with Luke, and Mikey sat with Cal. After Ash and I buckled up I set my bag on the floor and put my hands on my lap, but when I did, I felt a hand grab mine, and our fingers intertwined. I looked up at Ashton, who was blushing and looking at me, then the car started and we began to drive.
I couldn't believe, I was going to a hotel to watch movies with the band that saved my life. And the drummer that always kept me smiling, is sitting right next to me holding my hand.


His guys!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever, this chapter sucks, I know it's really early in the morning and I wanted to update XD. Also, sorry it's so long, but I'll be updating more I promise!! Like and comment if you like it so far. I LOVE YOU!!

♡ Teenage Dream ♡ ( A 5sos fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن