Chapter 1 - All Because of A Basketball Game

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Word count: 1346

"I'm pissed!" My mom said throwing her hands up in the air. "Why?" I ask, although I'm pretty sure I already know why. "That was a fucking terrible game! You guys lost by 40 points!" She said her face now turning red from anger. She does this every time! Even when we win a game she yells at me say that our team is terrible, she also always points out what I do wrong! "Mom! I don't care if we lost the game! We are only in 8th grade! Basketball is suppose to be for fun!" I yelled back while turning around to grab my small grey basketball bag. Looking up I see my two best friends Maddie, Emm, and their dad walking towards me.
Emm and Maddie are twins, but let me tell you something, the are NOTHING alike! Emm smiled and waved "Hey, good game Ash!" She said her and her sister both giving me a thumbs up. We play on the same team, and to be honest, I think that they the best players on our team. I gave them a small smile because that's all I could manage.
I pulled my bag up over my shoulder and turned back around to face my mom again. I rolled my eyes at her still angry expression, but hey, what else should I expect. "Let's just go." I said and started walking to the door that leads out of the school. "Fine" she said following me out the door. Oh gosh, I can already tell that the ride home is going to be hell.
I got in the car before my mom and shut the door. And watched her with observing eyes as she made her way to the car. She tends to walk really slow, but the angrier she gets the slower she walks so she can try to let off steam. And judging by the pace she is going at now, I am in for a shit ton of colorful words being thrown my way.
I rolled my eyes and groan right before she opens the door. I don't get why she is so upset about this! For crying out loud it's basketball! I thought basketball was suppose to be for fun! "Your team is terrible!" She yells as she shoved the keys into the ignition. "You need new and better coaches! Yours suck! Even I could coach better than them!" She finished as she pulled out of the parking lot.
I felt my blood boil. You may be thinking that that's a stupid thing to get angry about. But trust me, when you here it after every damn game when your tired, it tends to get on your nerves. And another reason it gets on my nerves is because she always acts like she is better than everyone, and she is not!
"First off, there is NO way you could do a better job then them considering you have never even played! And second off, you always say that!" I yelled back glaring at the side of her head as she watched the road. Her face was becoming more red. " You don't have to play to be good! Just look at you! You sat there and did nothing the whole game!" She roared back. What the hell is she talking about?! I played the whole game! I stopped many of the other teams shots, I made a basket, and more then once I was the only one running down the court and keeping up with the person trying to make a lay up! "What the hel-heck are you talking about?! I did just as good as everyone else!" I shouted back having to stop myself from saying hell. She hates when I swear, and in this situation it would probably get me a smack to the face. But that still doesn't change the fact that she pisses me off.
She scoffed at my reply and rolled her eyes. "Just keep telling yourself that." She paused and glanced down at the black sweatpants I was wearing " Why the hell do you wear those things? They make you look fatter than you already are." She said while looking back at the road. I let out a growl sounding like noise and turned to stare out the window. See, that is why I hate her. She is WAY too judgmental of everything and everyone! For crying out loud she even yells at me for my choice of friends saying that I hangout with scumbags.
I just sat there silently and stared out the window. "Why aren't you fucking listening to me!" She yelled as we pulled into our houses driveway. I'm glad that we only live about 5 minutes away from my school. I opened the car door with a sigh and step out. But clumsy me forgot that the entire drive way was covered in ice. I lost my footing and started to fall straight forward. I threw my hands in front of me to catch myself, cringing as they hit the icy ground. Even though I fell on ice, the impact gave my hands a sort of burning feeling.
I slowly stood back up and looked around me. It is kind of a habit for me to do that after I fall just to see if anyone saw it. But no, no one saw me fall because my oh-so-caring-mother is already inside, she didn't stay out here to make sure I was okay. But really, does she ever? I scoffed and opened the screen door into my house and walked in, the main door was already open so I shut it behind me. I was immediately greeted with more yelling.
My mom got close to me, so close that I could smell her bad breath. "If your not gonna listen to me, then you can leave! Get out of my house!" She screamed, I stared at her, not knowing how to respond. "You heard me, go!" She gestured towards the door. "Fine!" I yelled back at the top of my lungs. I turned around and grabbed the door handle with my right hand and shoved my left hand in my pocket. My left hand touched my phone. Fricking hell, I need my charger. I quickly turned around and rushed past my mom out of the kitchen.
"Where are you going?!" I heard her say behind me. "To get my charger"
She scoffed and muttered "Of course you are. Damn kids these days can't even go an hour without their phones." I rolled my eyes. "Neither can you." I said quietly. I grabbed the door knob that leads to my room twisted it, momentarily glancing up at all the award certificates from school that I had put up there the day before.
I paused and took a closer at them the first one was for perfect attendance, the second was for excellence in math, the third was for high honors throughout the whole year, and the last one was for participating in band. I don't have one for participating in basketball yet because the season isn't over.
Now that I think about it, I actually do a lot of things. I do chorus, band, basketball, and drama, yet I still get strait A's. I remember last year how I did all of those things and Girls on Run and softball. "Will you hurry up?!" My mom yelled bring me out of my thoughts.
I sighed and opened the door of my small, probably 12 by 6 room. I fast walked towards my bed that was in the corner farthest from the wall with a skinny yet tall book shelf next to it. I leaned over it and unplugged my charger from the wall behind it, and quickly made my way back to the kitchen. The first thing I saw was my mother staring down at her phone screen. I scoffed and walked out of the house towards the path in the woods leading to my dads house.

So, what do you guys think?
Don't be afraid to tell me in the comments!
Sorry if this chapter is a little rough, beginnings are always hard.
And this chapter is dedicated to lollidragon28 , for being the first person to comment on the description, and @aiasakama, for being the second person to comment on the description. Every chapter will have at least one dedication, and if you want one just comment.
P.S- It might be awhile until my next update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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