apple pie

195 13 6

2 Years Ago

It all started on a Monday when Louis was running late to his shift at the diner down the street from his house. He had his coffee in one hand as he was typing away on his phone with his head down. He was so screwed.

"I'm so fucke—ooop," Louis groaned as he collided with another person, his coffee knocked out of his hand and spilling on the other person. "Fuck, I'm sorry." Louis finally looked up and was met with a beautiful man standing in front of him.

Louis knew the stranger was an alpha by how he was presenting himself to an unmated omega like Louis. His hair was neatly styled into a nice quiff on top of his head and Louis could see the tiny curls that were trying to break free from the hold of the gel or hairspray on his head.

Louis could faintly catch a hint of a smell radiating off of the man. It made his inner omega happy at the smell. It reminded him of apple pie baking in the oven. But Louis brushed it off as he had just met the man and he doesn't even know his name.

His eyes were deep color green, but also were bright as Louis knew this alpha was different. He no was so distracted by the alpha that he didn't realize that the stranger still hadn't said a word and was just looking at him curiously.

"I—umm, let me give me your number and I'll set up a time I can pay to wash your clothes." The alpha handed him over a piece of paper and a pen and waited patiently for the omega to write down his number and then vice versa. Just as he handed the paper back to him he felt his phone buzz in his hand. "Shit, I'm sorry I'm so late for work. But text me and we can set up something or whatever." He blurted out as he was already walking away from the alpha, not even caring that he still never said a word to him.

The alpha watched the small omega run away from him and smiled softly. The alpha sighed as he finally took a good look at his blue sweater that was now stained brown from the coffee that was spilled all over him. He was already late for work as he had just got off his rut and he had to go back to his place to change. He turned back around and walked back home to find a new outfit.

Twenty minutes later he was walking into the office building and his best friend Niall was rushing towards him. "Harry where have you been? I've been worried sick."

Harry just rolled his eyes and his hands started to move quickly, but slow enough for Niall to understand. They have been friends for over ten years and Niall being the supportive friend learned sign language to help communicate with Harry. "An omega bumped into me and spilled his coffee on me. I had to go home and change." He shrugged after he stopped signing to Niall who just chuckled.

"Oh good, I thought it was something like your rut lasted longer or you fell in a ditch or something."

Harry smacked the other alpha who winced at him for him hitting him.

"So omega? Tell me about him." Niall led Harry over to their shared cubicle space as he let the alpha tell him about the omega he ran into earlier.

"He was so beautiful even after he was rambling on and on—he didn't even know I never said anything."

"So he doesn't know you're mute?"

Harry shook his head and frowned, he wanted to say something but then he also didn't want him to treat him differently because he couldn't speak. "I didn't get the chance to but I'm sure he thought I was weird for not responding and I won't ever see him again."

"Don't think like that Harry, you'll find someone who will love you for you. And don't even say anything about the last omega you were with, he is to not be mentioned. Not everyone is like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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