Number 4

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It was probably around five in the morning when Alfred woke him up.

"Kiku! Dude, get up!" the blond whisper-yelled.

"Nan desu ka? What is it?"

"I need to use the bathroom. Can't go alone. Let's go."

Carefully dragging Kiku out of his sleeping bag and into the bathroom, the two quickly got changed as Alfred explained his real plan.

"They call them mud snails for a reason." he smirked. "They like to live in the mud. And when is the mud out?"

Alfred stared at him for a bit, anticipating an answer but Kiku just shrugged. "Well, that would be low tide. Which is now. So we gotta go."

As Alfred dragged Kiku out of the museum and outside, the latter noticed something on the blond's arm. "Alfred... Are you okay? You didn't have that there yesterday." Kiku asked, pointing to the thumb shaped bruise on his wrist.

Alfred stopped quickly and looked down at his arm. "Yikes, that? After you went to sleep I had another little argument with Ivan."

"Why do you two hate each other so much?"

"Hmm... Well it all started in astronomy. He told me that I put the ass in astronaut and I couldn't come up with an insult for cosmonauts, so I told him to go suck Joseph Stalin's dick. Then we fought, both got detention, and the rest is history."

Kiku sighed. What? Was this 1962? Why'd he have to be partnered up with such a problematic child?

The two made it down to the beach and Kiku's eyes widened. In between giant rocks were black shells buried in the mud, glistening in the moonlight.

Alfred hopped over the rocks and picked one up. "Wanna hold him while I take a pic?"

Kiku nodded, immediately regretting it due to the slimy feeling on his fingertips.

"Y'know they don't have very good eyesight. They react to vibrations instead! Put your hand against your chin and start humming a song, it'll make him come out."

The black haired teen raised a skeptical eyebrow at his partner, but Alfred insisted for him to go through with it. Kiku awkwardly hummed an old lullaby while Alfred watched his fingertips in anticipation for the snail to come out. After five minutes of doing so, Kiku grew tired.

"Alfred, I look dumb. Can we please stop-"

"Look! Look! He's out!" Alfred cheered snapping a photo with their camera. "We did it Kiku! We got everything on the list! All thanks to these stupid-"

"Mud snails!" Gilbert shouted, running past the two and grabbing a handful of the slimy creatures. Kiku winced as he looked over to Alfred whose mouth had made a perfect "O" shape.

"Gil!? How did you- Matthew!" Alfred shouted, turning around and facing his twin brother. "Why did you tell him!?"

"What? You don't think that I wanna win too? And in all fairness, you told Kiku. Therefore, I can tell Gil."

"Well yeah, but the difference between Kiku and Gil is the fact that Gil will actually go through with it, and Kiku will just wait for me to go through with it."

It was too early in the morning for Kiku to feel offended right now, so he just watched on the sibling drama like it was some type of soap opera.

"C'mon, Al. Why are you bothering me? You go talk to Gil! He is your best friend after all."

"Fine! Maybe I will!" Alfred shouted, storming over to his albino friend. Matthew rolled his eyes and walked over to Kiku.

"Sorry, I was pretty awkward when we first met. Crowds aren't really my thing. I'm Matthew, Al's brother. I really need to give you props for handling with his bullshit for a full day already. Normally that's a hard task for one to accomplish."

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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