Part 1

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Bruce put on the gauntlet, everyone hid behind something to stay safe from the radiation that the snap would emit. Bruce snapped his fingers everything you could see was the colour white, then everything went back to normal. All of the sudden, The avengers compound collapsed, Friday announced that the building was being attacked by Thanos. The remaining avengers and the guardians of the galaxy helped each other getting out of the collapsed building. When they got out, they observed as Thanos' army came to Earth once again. The remaining avengers and guardians of the galaxy started fighting against Thanos and his army. After a while, the good guys went behind Captain America everyone was injured, he had injured his arm, then, on his comm device in his ear, he heard a familiar voice. "On your left", said Sam. Steve hesitantly turned his head, he saw hundreds of golden, sparking rings opening up. Out of the rings came out all of the superheroes that had turned to dust from Thanos' snap 5 years prior. Along with black panther, came all of his army. Everyone was there, waiting for instructions. Captain America faced Thanos' army and said "Avengers! ...Assemble". As he said that everyone behind Steve let out a loud battle cry and ran toward the alien army. Tony found where Peter was, went over to him and hugged him Peter was confused at first since Tony never liked to hug people, but he almost instantly hugged Tony back. Every one was ether fighting or trying to get the gauntlet away from Thanos. Thor got pinned down by the purple giant who was trying to kill the god of thunder with is double-ended sword. Captain America noticed this and picked up Mjölnir, Thor's hammer, which meant that he was worthy. He threw the hammer at Thanos which knocked him off of Thor. Steve summoned back the hammer and caught it. Thor was happy and surprised, "I knew you were worthy" He said. Meanwhile, the worst thing that could happen happened.

Avengers Endgame Alternate Ending ☆(Completed)☆Where stories live. Discover now