chapter thirteen

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here comes trouble

x CHAPTER THIRTEEN xhere comes trouble

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The bell above the door of the diner Josie walked into echoed through the room, alerting the waitress and the lone customer sipping a cup of coffee. He turned his head slightly, double taking as she walked up to the counter. Josie felt his eyes on her, practically undressing her right there and then as she smiled at the waitress who begrudgingly turned her attention from the man.

"Hi! I'm picking up for Josie."

"Wait here."

Josie nodded at the waitress and stepped back from the counter trying not to look at the handsome stranger who had finally turned back to his coffee. Looking over at the empty seat beside him, the man pulled it out slightly and glanced from her to it, "Might as well sit down. The cook likes to take his time."

With a small smile Josie sat beside the stranger. He took another sip of his coffee then looked down at the map laying in front of him. A red line trailed through it. Not one for silence, Josie motioned toward the map and asked, "Where are you headed?"

"To see an old friend. A few, actually."

Looking at the map again, Josie noticed the address circled and widened her eyes, "I'm sorry to tell you this but your friends aren't there. The school shut down years ago there's only a house and the caretakers now."

"What? What happened?"

"The war. What were your friends names? I used to teach there, perhaps I knew them?"

The stranger looked at Josie then, really looked at her and couldn't help but notice how similar she looked to his Josie from the future. Could this be the very same woman who helped him work through the trauma of his past, the one who helped him realize he wasn't a mindless killing machine?

Josie looked up from the stranger as the waitress approached with her bag of food. Smiling, Josie handed her the money and said keep the change before standing to take the bag and leave. As she turned to say goodbye to the stranger he was pulling on his jacket.

"I'll take you back to the school. It's too far for you to walk."

"How did you know I walked?"

The stranger smiled then and put on his sunglasses as they approached the door to the diner. He held open the door for her and let it slam shut behind him. Once they were at his car he stuck out a hand, "Call it a hunch. I'm Logan."

"Josephine March. Though I suspect you knew that already." she said suspiciously as she combed through his aura. Yellow - optimistic - and pink - friendship more so than love - made up his aura. The colors dyed together like a spiral T-shirt she used to make with her students for fun. It was refreshing as she had grown used to the grey, brown, and black of Charles and on occasion Hank. She hopped into the passenger seat, Logan shutting the door behind her before making his way to the drivers side.

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