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Deep in the Barron River near the Atherton plateau,a wailing sound was heard. A woman, mermaid precisely was in the throes of labour all by herself and for a good reason. She had to live away from her people keep her young one alive . Few hours later, she delivered a beautiful baby girl . She exhaled but internally she smiled as she looked at her baby from head to toe.
Her brows furrowed in confusion,her baby had human legs . True the father was human but she didn't expect her baby to turn human. She was lost and after a while of thinking,she had to take a stance.Either risk her daughter death down in the waters or let her live among the humans.
The enimity between humans and mer people had existed for over centuries for a reason she didn't understand and didn't care to understand.
She sighed as she dropped her dear one on the shores of the water. Tears flodded her eyes as memories of her and the baby's father filtered in and out. As she placed a sapphire stone round her daughter's neck, she wispered "Olivia" to earn a smile from the baby. Smiling back and bidding goodbye she swarm of never to be seen again or so she thought.

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