Eighteen (2)

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  Olivia was so shocked that she didn't know when she ran into the building. It was only when the receptionist words filtered into her ears that she came to terms with it.
    Mr Volkov gave his card to the receptionist as they checked in.
     Eternal Heart was one of the biggest event centers in Los Angeles and it was Olivia favorite. Every party or event that pertained to her was done here.
     Moments on,a large door was flung open and Olivia mouth took flight again."Suprise" Olivia's parents chorused. Gazing at the scene before her,she hurriedly turned and threw her parents in a beer hug. "Mama,papa thank u guys so much" she said admist giggles. "Did u really think we wouldn't give u a party, it's your eighteenth birthday for crying out loud. Olivia on hearing this, remembered her previous act and with a pout said"You guys really gave me a fright hehe,am sorry for earlier. " Don't worry kiddo, go have fun" I will" she said with a wink.
   Olivia made her way through the crowd as she sourced for a certain brunnette. She spotted her talking to a guy whilst laughing. "So she's flirting huh". She tapped the girl on the shoulder and the next thing was her being trapped in a hug. The girl screamed "Liv, happy birthday. "Thank you Ava".
    Ava was a pretty petite blonde. She and Olivia were college belles. They had been friends since they were five and have been inseparable since.
    Ava scanned Olivia from head to toe whilst scrunching her face. "Gal, that dress is good but for your 18th birthday, this won't do.
    "What can I do when my parents made it a surprise.I thought we're going for a dinner party."Olivia replied.
     "How can you think that when you know your parents. They are one of the world's coolest people. Come,I've got some clothes for u knowing u would fall into that trap as you are a dummy.
    Olivia smiled"her friend is always thinking one step ahead." she thought.
  "What are your thinking of" she asked.
   "Thinking of how to punish you for calling me a bimbo."Olivia replied while squinting her eyes. "I never said that."Ava snorted. "But you called me a dumb and besides am very pretty so that makes me a bimbo". Olivia said triumphantly.
    Ava rolled her eyes at her friend's words knowing well she could never argue with her. 
  "Olivia had a very bubbling personality, carefree, doing things without thinking of the consequences. Childlike? Yeah very much. She would have been a normal college student if not for that"Ava thought as a gloom of sadness washed over her.
  "Well, what are we waiting for"Olivia's words interrupted her train of thoughts."Show me the clothes"Olivia demanded."Yes ma'am".
   Later on, Olivia had changed into a black skinny jeans,a red tank top and a black leather jacket to match all branded.
   "Gal,you are rocking that outfit",Ava commented. Olivia smirked ",Yeah,I know".Ava rolled her eyes"Narcissist".
    The party was epic with everyone wishing Olivia a happy birthday one after the other."Just how many people are here"Olivia had commented on the endless wishes she got."Almost everybody in college"Ava had replied."Then that means, she's here". Whilst talking she spotted a blonde trying to get a guys attention. Though the girl had her back to her, she could recognize her."B****"she cursed.
   Making her way to them,she recognized the guy Alexander. The hottest boy on campus. Brown haired,body that was sculpted by the gods themselves.
  "Hey n***a" Olivia called. Raising his head,the irritation in his eyes was replaced with affection. "Happy birthday babe",he said whilst hugging her. "Thanks Alex.
   Turning her attention to the blonde,she called in a sickly sweet voice"Megan, it's so good you could make it to my party. Now tell me why you were throw yourself at my man?
   Megan snorted"come on, just because you are his girlfriend doesn't make him yours. Poor Alex must be sick of you,he needs a real woman not some chicken who can't make him feel like a man."
   Olivia fists were already balled up in anger while trying to suppress the urge to pounce on her,Alex on sensing her anger had security throw Megan out.
   "Don't worry, she's gone now, let's get back to your party. Giving her a kiss on the head,he led her into the party.
    Outside the party, Megan was seen cursing."I'll get you back for this b****.
                       *    *    *
    Hey guys, It's me the author; Kerry. I'm sorry for the irregular updates and cliche stories. I'm actually a newbie when it comes to writing but I hope to improve. Please support me by voting for the chapters. You can find me on Fb @ Kira Perry. Much love xoxo.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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