The Project

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" we are already there," Shuichi said quite shocked.
"It appears so..." Maki replied
"...Well see you guys later b-bye"
We all waved at each other and left to go our separate ways to our classes.

"I should probably work on my talking and try not to stutter so often..." I thought to myself not paying attention to where I was walking.
"O-oh uh I'm terribly sorry"
"It's fine just make sure it doesn't happen again, got it !!"
I looked back to see a tall man slightly slouched carrying his bag over his shoulder, he seemed to have spikey purple-y magenta hair.
*sigh* "As I guessed it was Kaito" Kaito always has been quite popular in class, he wasn't necessarily mean he's just very short-tempered...

*Time skip :3*


"Hm, I wonder what that was about?" I stood up and walked over to where all of the commotion was about

Maki and Kiibo were screaming at each other trying to get a project done...

"Hey Kokichi"
"Uh- hey Saihara what are you doing here?"
"Just wanted to let you know that I can't walk home with y'all today I have to catch up on one of my grades and plus I have an after school class meeting."
"Mmk, it's fine plus I have to go to my speech therapist directly after school. But I do feel like my talking h-has been getting b-better, I haven't really stuttered as much as I used to!"
"Mhm it really has improved well I'll be heading off-"
The bell rang and everyone went back inside to go to their next class

"Heh well bye Oma!! See you tomorrow!!"
"Okay!! Bye!!"

*Time skip cause I lazy and I'm in school :P*

"Aaaaand done!! Ta-daa"
"After all of that arguing we finally got it done"
"We sure did"
I looked at Kiibo's and Maki's project, they where assigned a project about how the brain works.
Ah no wonder why they where arguing so much...

     Maki was always strong in these type of subjects she was good at Biology and Math but weak at subjects such as History.
     On the other hand Kiibo as strong at subjects like English and History, on the other hand he was really bad at Biology and anyny thing really sports related.

    Once they turned it their project Maki and I walked home.

My dad was there sitting at the table.
Once he saw me he ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Kokichi I'm so so sorry for what happened the other night I-....I don't know what got into me..."
For second I was quite shocked but then hugged him back saying that it was okay.

I then later texted Shuichi telling him that would it be coming over like I originally said this morning.

I sincerely do not know how to close this all out so... Sorry for not updating this in a while I've been really busy and I've been getting into lots more games and fandoms. One thing about my AU is that Maki and Kokichi have each other since they were kids, and Kiibo and Kokichi have known each other since eighth grade (they are in high school right now)
So yeah heh ._.;

(Word count 582)

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