The Detective

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         It was again just a normal day. I woke up got dressed in my usual outfit that was full black, everyone told me that if i even put on my hat i would be the most ultimate emo boy. Honestly i dont make any comments since i dont pretty care. Then i prepared breakfast for me and my friend Kaede Akamatsu. We lived togheter for a while since she needs some more money to get her dream apartament. I luckily got mine from my uncle. He was saving it for some day since he knew i would have needed it when i grow up. I have never met my parents , the sisters at the orphanage just told me one day that they have found my uncle just like that. Crazy right? i never understood that.. Its almost like they just wanted to get rid of more kids. Lets leave that behind for now.

        I made some eggs and bakon from what i found in the fridge 'I really need to buy some ingredients once i get home from work'. As you my already know im a really famous detective and im honestly proud of it, its just sometimes people take it too far. Its not like i have solved the whole misteries in the world in one day. The worst its always with the fangirls once they see me on the street they always take out their phones and start taking photos, honestly whats wrong with them? Kaede always ignores them but i just cant take it sometimes. Even some of the boys and that makes me very unconfortable. 

     "Kaede i made breakfast!" i called her, 'Dont tell me she is still sleeping'. I put the plates on the table and went to the other room where i saw her laying in the bed. "Hey Kaede wake up already!" i said, "Oh? Ah.. morning Shuichi, whats the problem?" i sighed. Kaede can be pretty annoying sometimes. "I made breakfast hurry up dress and come eat" i said to her as i left the room. I waited like 5 minutes for her to come "Kaede your gonna be late to work if you dont hurry up". She worked at a restaurant as an piano player here, she starts at 8:00 and i can go to work anytime but i always go at 8:30 or like that. "Yeah your right i better hurry up!" she ate her food fast then headed to the door. She put on her shoes then took her jacket and dreesed with it "Bye Schuichi, See you at 16:00!" she said, i waved at her as she got her keys and left.

     Till it was 8:30 i went and sit on the couch took the remote and turned it on. I always liked the Detective shows because most likely all of the time i figured out who was the impostor and it was actually fun to see how they struggled to lie to the detectives. I got so absorbed in the show that i didnt even realized it was already 9:00. 'Shit i watched the TV too much' , i didnt like to be late if you already guessed. I fast turned off the tv, put on my shoes then got out of the apartment. 

     I dont have a car because its useless since there is a  bus station nearby. I waited patiently for it to come ' i problably missed the 8:45 bus' well there is nothing that can be done know is it. I waited for like another 5 minutes for the bus to come. When i got in the bus already all the eyes were on me, it was slightly embarassing as i walked in the back seat because people already got out their phones and took pictures. When i finally got in my seat i felt slightly relieved, 'Im glad there arent any people in the back' 

     Then i finally got to my stop. Its was a tall building with a few windows and some flowers on the right and left of the doors. It was a quite boring building if you ask me but that doesnt matter. I walked in and went to the reception where was a tall women with long brown hair "Name please?" she asked me "Shuichi Saihara" i said to her. Then she wrote some things in a daily notebook "You may go now" she said. This wasnt a normal building. Its the place where the special ultimates worked and some of them even lived here. Most of them didnt wake up or came this early so i liked it i could work in peace. I arrived at my office, it was organized, more organized than i left it. It was problably  Tojo, she always comes into our offices at random times to clean. 

   I was currently worked on a case that i have been struggling for a while. The case of the Phantom Thief. I hated whoever was behind the that clown face he weared. Everytime we  searched for new clues at a crime he commited there were literally none. It was like he has never been here. I dont know how he manages to do that but its most likely he has people behind all of this. It annoys me 'I swear i will get you in jail someday!". 


  "Master im are here what is the problem?" a man in a black coat appeared in front of me.

  "Hello my dear subbordinate, i suppose you know about the detective that is after us right?" i said

   "Yes mater i know" the man said. I got up and moved closer to the window.

   "I want you to get more informations about him until night. Atleast where he lives and works" i said with a grin on my face.

   "Yes master" and then the man vanished in he darkof the room.

   " Soon my dear Saihara~chan, soon.. i will make you mine~ "


       Hi i hoped you liked the first chapter! i was offline for like 2 months and im really sorry. I might give up  the other book because i got motivated to write a Saiouma/Oumasai book so yeah 🥱 i will try to post a chapters in atleast a week when it starts school cause i have a week vacantion so i will post more often.

      Anyways see yu on the next chapter bye!

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