Back Together Again

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The birds chirrped, sounds of passing by cars and horns blaring, the evident smell of garbage and sewer water.

God, I loved New York.

"Damn, kid. You got me again." The older man spoke from across the chess board. The small crowd that had formed all shared smiles and nods. "You might just be the best damned chess player in Manhattan."

I laugh sweetly, showing him a smile and leaning forward on the table. "I think you're just letting me win, Lenny."

He shakes his head, the smile growing on his face, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Every man likes to be flirted with by a young woman in a skirt. It's just a fact of life.

"I got next game."A man says from the crowd, immediately a few others begin to protest.

"Sorry boys, but i'm tapped out for the day." Reaching my hand out across the table, to the man on the other side of the board. "Always a pleasure."

He gladly takes my hand in his, his sleeve raising up just enough for me to get a glimpse at the shining, diamoned plated Rolex sitting on his wrist.

I reach my other hand out, enclosing his hand in mine. Keeping eye contact, my smile never fading. And in one swift motion, unclasp the watch and let it fall down the sleeve of my jacket.

Resting right in my elbow crease as I excuse myself from the table and start on my merry way.

Once i'm a good distance away I fish in my sleeve for the watch, pulling it out I can't help the smile that forms on my face as I look down at the shining jewels in my hand.

"Still stealing watches?" An all too familiar voice calls from behind me. "Some things never change."

I shut my eyes tightly, turning on my heels and facing the woman. Who wore dark sunglasses, and a grey peacoat. Typical Debbie outfit.

Although I tried really hard not to have a reaction, I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a hug.

Feeling her arms wrap around me, a smile makes it's way to my face. "You've literally never hugged me before." She says as I pull away, sending a solid punch to her shoulder.

"I fucking told you that guy was an asshole." I say pointing my finger in my her face, she just smiles and shakes her head.

"Yes, you did tell me that." She wraps my arm with hers and starts walking down the path. "But I have an idea."

Of course she has an idea.

"You hungry? Wanna do brunch?" She asks, I lift my wrist up checking the time on my newly obtained watch.



"This sounds insane." I say honestly, shaking my head and taking a sip from the mimosa glass in front of me.

"It is, but it's also more money than we could ever imagine." She says, holding her fork up to me to take a bite. I shake my head and watch as she puts the fork back into her mouth.

"Debbie, this isn't pickpocketing in a park. This is robbing the Met."

"I know, and if we get everyone back together, I know we can pull it off." Holding the fork up to me once again, I finally give in and take a bite. She smiles slyly over at me.

"Why do you need to do this? I mean honestly, do you need money? Because I can help you out-"

"I'm doing this because this is what i'm good at." She says honestly. Our eyes burning into one anothers.

I sigh, taking the champagne glass in my hand, and look out across the crowded restaurant. "Well we're gonna need a lot more girls."

Looking back over the woman she has a certain look in her eyes I had seen many times before.

Looking back over the woman she has a certain look in her eyes I had seen many times before

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"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you've seen me naked."

"Well." She takes the glass from my hand, taking a sip, her eyes never leaving mine. She raises her eyebrows. "So you're in?"

"Yes Debbie, i'm in."

She smiles, a quick twinkle in her eyes and I felt like I was back to all those years ago. And even though neither of us would say it, it felt so good to be together again.

"So, what now?"

"Now, we get the team together."

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