Lots of Fun

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"So," Lou starts, walking through the kitchen with two mugs in her hand. I hop up onto the countertop and grab it from her reach as she walks by. "this Rose character, are you sure she can help us?"

"Yes, she owes me a favor. I mean she's a leeeetle eccentric but definitely what we're looking for."

"How eccentric are we talking?"

I take a slow sip from the mug, my eyes never leaving hers. "No comment."

"Great." She says shaking her head with a small giggle.

She leans back against the fridge, her morning shirt riding up her legs ever so slightly. The two buttons keeping it together weren't doing a very good job. I couldn't help but just look at her. It had been so long, and she's just so ethereal.

"You don't have to just undress me with your eyes, darling. I could just show you the real deal right now." She teases, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Yeah, i'm sure that would end well."

"Oh, come on." She pushes herself up off the fridge, walking slowly over to me and standing in between my two dangling legs. Her fingers softly tracing the sides of my thigh up and down. "We had fun, didn't we?"

"Oh, we had fun. The problem is we couldn't stop having fun."

"Doesn't sound like that much of a problem to me." Both her hands sit on either side of my body as she glances deeply at my lips before her eyes flicker back up to mine.

"I haven't even been here for a whole day and you're already trying to get into my pants?"

"Just like old times, I guess."

"Ladies, the shower is free." Debbie calls out into the loft, the sound of her feet dissapearing into the distance.

"Always did ruin our little moments, didn't she?" Lou says, stepping back from me and leaning her back against the counter across the way.

"This wasn't a little moment, Lou." I say hopping off the counter top and setting my mug in the sink and patting her cheek softly. "You're just a horndog."

"Only for you, darling."


A knock on the partially closed door caused me to turn towards the noise. Standing there in just a black lace bra and a pair of skinny jeans, Debbie watches me with a small smile on her face.

"This is bringing back all sorts of memories." She says walking further into the room and sitting down on the edge of my bed. "You being here, looking like this."

"All good ones, I hope."

"Only the best ones, baby." I flash her a quick smile before grabbing the black blouse from my closet and throwing it over my body. "So, I uh - I need to to get Tammy sometime soon."

I knew it.

"Okay, that's fine." I answer looking at her through the mirror, showing her a small smile but she obviously doesn't believe it.

"It's fine?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I say with a scoff. Walking to the closet and pulling out a pair of boots. Sitting against the dresser she looks down at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

"You guys literally can't stand eachother."

"What? What are you talking about? I like Tammy. I mean we don't agree on a lot of things and I really do enjoy picking on her but it's not like I hate her." She nods her head slowly.

"Okay, yeah I guess that's true. Lou always thought you guys just had a thing for eachother." She says bluntly, standing up from the bed and looking down to me with a knowing look in her eyes. "Anyway, i'll be waiting downstairs."

She softly taps the heel of my boot before walking out the door and closing it behind her. I just shake my head and tie the laces of the boot.

"Lord, get me away from all these fucking lesbians."

Authors Note:

Little filler chapter...tbh I have to rewatch the movie tonight because i honestly don't remember what happens😔✋🏽

I was a too distracted by Cates gorgeous ass face on my first watch to actually pay attention to the details and shit😛

Hope you guys are ready for this story, I got some ideas!! 👀

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