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(Sunday 1st October~ 4:15pm)

The bus came to a slow as Félix got up from his seat, dragging his suitcases out from luggage area. "Excuse-moi, but is this the stop for the university?"
The driver gave him a sort of miffed look, pointing lazily out of the window. "You see that? Big sign? Says Sir Duke University, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Oh...thanks..." Félix gave the driver an awkward nod, hauling his two suitcases off the bus as the driver just tutted at him. 'Jesus, someone's having a bad day...' the boy thought to himself as the doors shut, the bus quickly speeding off. He sighed, this was not how he'd hoped his first time abroad would be like. "Would it kill him to be polite?"

A faint buzz alerted him to his phone. A message popped up on his screen.
UrMoveInt'l: ETA 20 mins
'Twenty minutes, I better hurry and get checked in.' He started his way up the path, past the large sign reading 'Welcome to Sir Duke University, proud leaders of academic excellence since 1962'.
"I should probably call my parents, let them know I'm here."

His phone suddenly rung in his hand, a blurry picture of the two men popping up on his screen. 'Speak of the devil.'
"Bonjour Papa."
The voice on the other end was loud and brash, but with a sing-song nature to it. "Bonjour mon petit lapin!"
Félix's cheeks turned a little red, even though there was no one else around to hear. "Papa I wish you would not call me that, it's embarrassing!" He'd been calling the boy that since he was seven.

"I'm sorry I cannot resist!" His papa sang. "Are you on English soil yet?"
"Jean-Pierre he called us from the airport three hours ago." Avdol remarked, his voice sounding a little way's off.
"Ah of course, silly me!"
Félix smiled. "Hello Baba."
"Hello Félix, how is the weather there?"
The boy looked down at the wet pavement, littered with red and orange leaves, then up at the grey sky. "Wet. And a bit cold. It was raining when we landed."
Polnareff smirked "But of course, you are in Angleterre."

His laughter was cut into by barking. Avdol took the phone from his husband. "It seems Iggy is missing your presence already."
"That, or he wants feeding, again." The other said with a sigh. "You cannot have more Iggy I already fed you! And no more treats you know you'll get gas!" Iggy barked unhappily.
Félix needed to get going. "Papa? I'm going to go now." He began to wheel his suitcases up the damp road that lead to the university.
"Oh! Je suis désolé, well just make sure to call if you need anything! And most importantly, have fun!"
The boy smiled. "Oui Papa."
"Study hard Félix." His other father told him, Félix nodded.
"Yes Baba."

He sighed, hanging up the phone. This was his first time ever being away from his family, and though he was excited to start this new chapter in his life, he could not ignore the terrible butterflies that were forming in his stomach.

The main square of the campus was bustling with people; students, parents, staff. There was even a group of students doing a dance routine to what Félix assumed was a Kpop song, though he couldn't be sure what group it was. As he manoeuvred his way through the crowds he let out a sigh of relief as he finally found the building he was looking for- the Students Union.

The place was pretty deserted apart from a few students wearing bright purple shirts with the university's insignia on them. Félix walked over to what he assumed was the welcome desk. A girl with glasses looked up at him. "Can I help you?" She asked. Félix pulled the suitcases closer to his body. "Um, is this where I'm supposed to check in? I was supposed to be meeting someone I think."

Butterflies and Hurricanes: A Jojo interactive storyWhere stories live. Discover now