Chapter 13

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We arrived home just before they delivered everything. It was amazing that they got it delivered that quickly. I hoped they didn't spend too much money. I was fine waiting. In a whirlwind of motion, everyone worked together to bring everything up to the guest room. My room. It was the first room that would actually be mine. The thought warmed my heart.

The trip to the mall was overall a fun experience. It was nice to Caspian in his element. He was so considerate with how I was feeling during the whole thing. It made me wonder if he was the empath. The end of our trip was less fun. Just thinking about how that dark energy felt sent shivers down my spine and my stomach rolling. I had so many questions, but everyone was thoroughly busy at the moment.

Currently, we were bringing boxes up to my room. It was the last trip, though. I didn't know when the others got back, but they'd been helping Caspian unload and put away all the clothes. Joe happily ran from person to person, curious about what all the activity was about. I didn't realize we purchased this much. I felt guilty looking at it all. It was too much.

"Stop that," Finn stated, popping up out of nowhere. My eyes widened at his sudden appearance. "I took the tags off of everything. They aren't going anywhere." I couldn't stop the laugh that spilled out at his statement. He smirked confidently and strolled towards me. The heat in his eyes stopped me in my tracks.

He stopped as close to me as he could get without touching. I felt his breath on my face. A part of me knew I should back away, run away, something. He was too close. But a bigger part of me liked it. I could feel the warmth radiating from him. I didn't sense any ill intent towards me, but there was... His emotions pummeled me, making me gasp. My breaths came faster as his emotions encouraged my own.

"Finn! Come help me with dinner," Peter yelled from downstairs, jolting me back into reality. Before I could step away, Finn leaned forward pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head. I stared at him with wide eyes as he pulled back.

"I couldn't resist." He smirked and grabbed my hand, dragging me downstairs. My face felt like the face of the sun, so I knew I was blushing. I could have stopped him. But I didn't. I didn't want to stop him. That feeling unsettled me more than the kiss.

Peter was in the kitchen already when we entered. He looked up, smiling, when he saw me not commenting on my tomato face. Finn guided me to the breakfast bar, and we sat down on the stools. Joe had followed us but stopped in the living room, jumping up on the couch and curling up to nap.

"What are we doing?" I asked, wanting to know what I could do to help.

"There's something we need to check first," Finn stated like it was nothing, but instantly I got suspicious. Finn was trouble and Peter was too sweet sometimes to tell him no. Together, they could be a force to be reckoned with.


"I just wanted to check with you and make sure you were feeling better now," Peter informed me. He stopped washing the potato he was currently holding and dried his hands off. As he walked up to me, I could tell he was entering what I liked to call his 'doctor mode'. He lightly grasped my wrist, feeling for my pulse.

"I'm feeling fine now," I replied honestly. Once we left the mall, I couldn't feel it anymore. I was a little tired, but that was nothing new. I noticed the two sharing looks. "What is it?"

"We want to make sure the Tenebris didn't touch you," Finn explained as Peter dropped my wrist.

"I don't sense anything," Peter stated. I looked at him, confused.

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