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How they find out you're bi

Cody: He started to take into consideration that you might be bi because of how many times you've called girls in tv shows and movies you watch, pretty. But the girls in the movie would often be very masculine or radiate much top-lesbian energy. So he confronted you. You told him the truth, he was perfectly fine with it; after you said that you were in fact bi he just replied with simply, "Okay." He just treated it like normal. (As everyone should.)

Finn: You guys were finally moving in together and the two of you guys were going through your old stuff from when you were younger and you left the room to go get a few more boxes but when you left Finn found an old diary of yours and decided to peak at a few pages. He opened up a page, at random and started to read through it a little bit. It was a page about a crush you had on someone in school. But as he read further he noticed the person you had a crush on was a girl.

Adam: You had a girlfriend before you and Adam started dating. And it was all over social media when the two of you broke up so it was kind of hard to keep that from Adam.

Tyler:  After going through old photos there was a photo of you kissing a girl on your 18th birthday, that's how he found out

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