Dream stuff

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You know, there's something that happens to me from time to time and it's where I'm half asleep and I'm making stories in my head because why not and all, then I fall asleep for awhile and then wake up again but I'm still half asleep and I'm not thinking of a story anymore, instead I'm "dreaming" of something I've recently been into or something, and I can faintly control it but it always stresses me out and it mostly ends with me dying

The most recent one that's happened was where I was "playing" Legend of Zelda breath of the wild and I was near the central tower probably just passing by and I was casually climbing up a small cliff then I got shot by a nearby guardian and died and every time I tried to go to sleep the same thing kept happening but not the same events different things happened and mostly it wasn't all botw one was with my castle cats sona or something

But these things really stress me out, make me all anxious, I'm breathing as if I just had a small nightmare

Idk what this is or how to explain it but it doesn't really bother me, it'd be nice to what this is though

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