Being Hunted.

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I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't help but wonder. Do I care about you? Do I like you?
I don't mean to lead you on. It's all so confusing. It's not easy.

Maybe it's just my mind telling me not to.
Do I tell you all of this? Or do I keep it bottled up like I always do? When I say I'm sorry, fine and understanding. I know it hurts you though.

You said you wanted to snuggle with me. Is it true? Do I want to also?

Am I a bad person?
Do I tell you?

Are you embarrassed by me?
Why do we have to keep it a secret? why are you so scared?

You said you loved me today, it came out of the blue, I wasn't ready, I was in total shock. what do you expect me to say? we aren't even dating yet. I didn't wanna make you feel bad so I said it back. do I feel love towards you yet? Or am I just bluffing

You Called me right before you said those words. They won't stop looping through my head. I go back to read the message and it makes my heart drop. I haven't heard those words in so long.

I'm scared. I don't wanna get hurt. I don't wanna hurt you

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