Nothing lasts.

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It's been a while since I wrote. Why did I fall so hard? What made me believe that you cared? What did you do this?
You stopped putting in the effort. You stopped caring. When I just starting to care. You stopped memorizing everything I said. Did I do something wrong? What made you stop?
You said you loved me, but did you? It hurts. You don't notice the small things. You stopped complimenting me. While I still do. I still do care. But why should someone care about someone who doesn't give a damn about them anymore? I told you I don't want to put myself in this situation again. I don't want to be heartbroken. What do I get? I did this to myself. I should've listened to myself. You said you were different. You told me that you would never leave me, you would treat me right. They were just lies. Am I just a toy? Just like the others? There were so many red flags that ignored because I loved you. I felt safe with you. I cared for you. I felt like I could be my real self.
You knew how important you were to me. This was my first time actually try to have a relationship. What did i do wrong? It was my fault, was it? Was I the one who pushed you away? It couldn't have been. I talked to you every day. Was it the time zones? I don't understand.
Was i not pretty enough? Was I annoying? Did you meet someone new? I don't understand.

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