Chapter 18

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Kazehaya wants to chat

At the clubroom Kazehaya recalls the conversation he had with Hayasaka

"So should we tell them or keep it to ourselves?" He ask her as Hayasaka thinks briefly

"Not yet, when the time is ripe. I will also told mom about the relationship. For now lets just go under the radar" Hayasaka replied as they enter the gate

"I see, i will also tell my parents about it and i will wait when the time has come" Kazehaya said to her as she smile a bit though in his smile he is anxious when suddenly everything felt hazy

"Don't daydream while working" Shizuku reminded him as she put the papers into the envelope and return back working on her laptop. Kazehaya began to check the draft of the school paper calmly and quiet as Shizuku type on her laptop. Shizuku pauses and look at him as she tap him in his shoulder

"Did you finish your job i given to you yesterday?" Shizuku ask him which he grab his bag and grab the recorder

"The button interface is jammed and its low on battery but i manage to interview one before it went out... sorry" Kazehaya apologize to her as she take it

"Its alright, i can do the rest. Aside from that i will edit the draft and its done" Shizuku replied as she hand him a piece of envelope

"Also bring this to Student Council, were having a modernization on our club equipment. I just need his consult and last verdict before we proceed" Shizuku added as Kazehaya nods and walks toward the door while she charge the recorder on the laptop and plug in an earphone as she press it to open and listen to the recording

At the corridor Kazehaya continue to walk and soon he reach the Student Council room. He tidy bit his uniform and make himself presentable, he knocks on the door and open it seeing President Shirogane inside busy on his work organizing the documents when he noticed him

"Welcome, have a sit. What is your business" Shirogane chalantly said to him as kazehaya bowed and sat on the sofa

"From our club president, she is asking for your permission to modernize the club" Kazehaya said to him politely as he handed out the letter to him where he opened it

"I see, seeing your club performance is critical and important for the welfare of the school which is granted" Shirogane said as he put the signature and the approval stamp on it then gave him the document

"Thank you President" Kazehaya bowed and walked towards the door. Upon exiting the room he he began to think, he realized that he has achieve the confession and has no plans next which makes him bit his lip

"Damnit..." Kazehaya muttered to himself and scratch his head

"I don't know what to do next" Kazehaya said to himself and turn around. He arrived at the door of the student council and knock the door which Shirogane noticed and let him in

"Come in and..oh it's you again. Anything left out?" Shirogane asked him, Kazehaya clutch his hand and bowed to him

"Can i ask for an advice" Kazehaya ask politely as Shirogane smiled

"Have a seat, so what kind of advice" Shirogane asked him as Kazehaya seated

"I confess my feelings to girl i like and she replied with a yes. I was happy but now i feel anxious and i don't know what to do next. I'm happy but its the anxiety on how you keep her happy" Kazehaya worriedly told to him. Shirogane analyze for a second and replied

"I recall that kind of feeling, its like your grinding for a certain thing and once you achieve it you feel happy and joyful. But what is your next plan and how will you keep that momentum. Love is like a gamble, once you get your prize you began to think on the next part. I suggest that you kept like what it is before you acquired the prize but with more care. The girl could be feeling the same thing, its like a war. You have to keep your wits up but worry not, everyone has experienced this things even me" Shirogane explained to him as Kazehaya felt the tightness on his chest lighten up

"Thanks Pres, i feel more confident now. Sorry for taking your time" Kazehaya bowed as he stand up and head to the door

"Its alright, im happy that i can provide assistance to the students" Shirogane happily replied as Kazehaya exited, he continues to walk on the corridor and sees Chika Fujiwara. He gave her space as he walk near the wall and smiled at Chika

"Good afternoon Ms Fujiwara" He said to her as he passed

"Oh Good afternoon" Chika happily replied as she pass him. He continues to walk and reach the clubroom, he opened it and sees Shizuku blushing and her cheeks is beet red

"It's seem you even recoded your lovey dovey confession... congratulations" Shizuku clapped her hand as she avoid to look at him

"...Ah..oh no! I'm Sorry! I thought it was turned off!" He quickly begs at her as she chuckles

"It's alright... that is pretty heart warming to hear... Don't worry I won't tell it on anybody... though im jealous.." Shizuku muttered on the last part while Kazehaya do the dogeza on the floor

Meanwhile at Hayasaka's classroom she sneezes and wipe her nose

Today's results
Kazehaya loses

Thank you for reading this chapter and for the sneeze here is a reference

Have a safe and great day

[Kaguya-sama Love Is War] Ai Hayasaka wanted to tryWhere stories live. Discover now