Chapter 14

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Ever since the double date, things haven't been the same lately. Of course, Klein was a bit upset but he put on a smile that said he was used to rejection. Asuna has been acting strange these past days and has seemed to be speaking to Lisbeth a lot. Though, Kirito hadn't noticed her weird behavior and seemed a bit distracted as well.

"Staring at Onii-chan, aren't you?" Lyfa said.

Sinon shook her thoughts away and looked at Lyfa. She hadn't realized that she was dozing off. She let out a sigh, realizing that she was just like them, blending in with how odd the day was going.

"No...Lyfa, you're his cousin. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she said.

"Did Kirito say anything about what happened last night?"

"Last night?" she asked confused. "No, not really. He sure did come home late, though."

She wondered if Kirito had checked up on her or even followed her to make sure she was okay. She knew it was selfish to think that, probably knowing that he went to take Asuna home.

"Oh okay, thanks."

"What is it with you being concerned about Onii-chan?" she asked, crossing her arms.

She knew she couldn't answer that question but then again it made her think.

Why was she so concerned about Kirito?

She looked over at him, Kirito walking along with the others and looking down at the ground.

"I guess I just want to repay the favor...he's been looking down lately," Sinon said.

Lyfa put on her thinking face, biting the edge of her lip. Her eyes looked around as if the answer was in the air. She shrugged with a sigh.

"I'm sure whatever it is, he'll get over it." Lyfa smiled.

Sinon hoped so too. After a while, she logged out of the game and sat up in her bed. She saw Kirito's coat on the side of her bed, untouched. She had left Kirito standing there that night.

Did her action bother him?


She couldn't be the reason for his odd behavior. She picked up his coat carefully and wrapped it around her arm. She had to return it to him. She walked out her apartment and headed to Kirito's house. She wasn't sure if she wanted to see him, but she had to. She couldn't be playing this game forever.

Once she reached his house, she knocked on his door and stepped back a bit. His house was enchanting. It had a traditional structure and such a lively garden. The door opened, Sugu standing there.

"Asada-san! What a welcome," she said.

"I just came to return something," Asada-san said raising up the coat.

Sugu looked at it and laughed a bit. She opened the door wider and invited her to come in. Asada-san denied her offer, feeling strange to be in his house.

"Is Kirito home?" she asked.

Sugu shook her head.

"He went out just a few minutes ago before you came," she said. "I'm pretty sure he headed over to the café."

"I must return this to him."

"You can leave it here if you want. I can take you to his room," Sugu said.

Asada-san shook her hands in front of her, blushing. She didn't want to be in his room either. She thought about leaving the coat here, but she wanted to give it to him personally.

"I'll just find him. I'll see you later, Sugu."

"If you find him, tell him to not come home late again!" Sugu hollered as Asada-san walked out.

She gave a small laugh and waved at her before she closed the door. She held the coat folded in her arms, heading over to the café. Asada-san thought about what she was doing. What was she going to do when she returned the coat to him? She wasn't sure if a "thank you" was acceptable at this situation.

From the distance, she saw Kirito sitting alone outside of the café, his hands folded and looking off into the streets.

Was he expecting someone?

She hurried her way over to him, until she saw a familiar glance of nice orange hair. She stopped and stood behind one of the nearest table. Asuna sat down in front of him, her face serious and stern.

"What is it, Asuna?" Kirito asked.

"Kirito...I...I've been keeping something from you," Asuna said a bit nervously.

"What do you mean?"

His voice sounded concern. What was Asuna hiding from him?

She sighed. "I've been wasting time and I never really had the courage to tell you."


"Lisbeth knows...she's been telling me that it's time for you to know as well," Asuna looked up and held his hand from across the table. Her eyes were forming tears as she blinked them away, trying to hold them back. "Kirito...I'm... I'm going away."

"What?" Kirito said. "Where are you going?"

"My mother, she is taking me further into the city...saying it's for my future. She's taking away my Nervegear so I can't get online with any of you."

"Can't you refuse?"

She shook her head and held his hand tightly. "Its already been done, Kirito. There's nothing I can do...she also assigned myself to find someone for an assigned marriage..."

Assigned marriage?

Asada-san peeked over at him, his face was blank. He didn't know what else to say. He looked broken by the sound of her going away. Asuna began to cry, and shook her head.

"I don't want to be with anyone else. I just want to be with you, Kirito. I love you," Asuna said.

Kirito got up from his seat and embraced her. She wrapped her arms around him and cried onto his shoulder. Kirito caressed her hair and held her close.

"No matter the distance, Asuna, I'll always be with you," he said.

What was going on?

Confusion filled her mind, wondering what Kirito would do in this situation.

"Asuna," Kirito spoke softly and pulled back. Asuna looked at him, her eyes full with tears. "We'll work this out."

Asuna slightly nodded her head and leaned her forehead onto his, closing her eyes. Kirito sighed and continued to caress her hair. She knew this was hard for him and that it was too sudden to take in at the moment. Kirito lifted up her chin softly and gave her a kiss on the lips, her tears strolling down.

Asada-san bit her lip, holding back the breath she was holding. She gripped onto his coat, feeling the strong ache in her stomach.

Even after all this...Kirito chose to stay with Asuna...

She looked down and knew it wasn't the moment for her to intrude. She walked down the street and decided to head back home.

She didn't understand Kirito. For all she knew... It seemed that Kirito cared more for Asuna than her.

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