Chapter 38

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Kirito took her onto his bike and drove her towards the bridge. She held onto him tightly and rested her head on his bike. She looked up at the sky and saw that it was already dark. Kirito drove past all the cars and parked at the curb. Asada-san got off as Kirito secured his bike. He held her hand and led her towards the bridge. He put his arm around her shoulder and told her to look up at the sky. The sky was shining bright today. It looked beautiful.

"You're like a star, Shino."

She looked over at him. Kirito faced her and held her hands.

"You're always so bright. Even through the darkness, you're shining as bright as you can! A bright star is always beautiful," he explained.

Asada-san blushed.

He gave out a sweet metaphor. She appreciated it. She smiled at him.

"Maybe you're a shooting star," he laughed. "Since you're good at handling that sniper of yours."

She laughed and punched his chest softly.

Kirito smiled at her, with softness in his eyes. Asada-san felt herself burn up. Kirito held her close this time, wrapping his arms around her waist. She closed her eyes as she leaned in, feeling Kirito's lips against hers. The night was already perfect. She spent the night with friends and by the end of the day, Kirito had took her away from the others and showed her the night star. He had compared her to a star and now he was kissing her. Asada-san held him closer, kissing him even more. She savored the moment and their kiss, not wanting to let go. She formed a smile in the kiss, Kirito holding her even more. The moment they broke away from their kiss, Asada-san looked up at him shyly. She blushed red and hid her face in his chest.

"You're adorable, Shino," he said as he hugged her. 

They spent the night together, watching the night sky. Kirito held her close by her waist. She smiled.

Everything felt nice.

Kirito drove her back home and gave her a kiss goodnight. She blushed softly and waved goodbye. She headed over to her dorm and looked over at the edge of the gate. Kirito was watching her safely. When he saw her open her door, he waved goodbye and drove away.

Asada-san went to her bed and dropped down, hugging onto her pillow. She couldn't handle her feelings! It just seemed that each day got better and better! She closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The next morning, she woke up and noticed that she was still wearing the same outfit. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes softly. She looked over at her phone and noticed a few messages. One was from Kirito and the other was from Hikaji.

She bit her lip, figuring that she could push off GGO for a couple days. Hikaji just had to wait.

"I won't be getting on today."

"You busy?"

"Got plans to do in the real world :)"

"Oh...well have fun"

She closed Hikaji's message and went to open Kirito's.

"Good morning. How are you today?"

"Morning :) I'm good. I really enjoyed our time yesterday."

"That's great. I have some work to do today, but I was just wondering if you wanted to go out later?"

"Sure. Where?"

"Your choice. I'll let you know when I'm out."

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