My name is Virgil Bennett. Pretty easy to remember right? I thought so too. That was until I realized I was the one person no one remembered. It was easy to go undetected. No one knew I existed. Not the teachers in my old school... not my ex-boss. I'm certain not even my parents remembered me. I could rob a damn bank and walk out like nothing ever happened.

Instead, I chose to stay home. Now I'm not completely out of touch. I have this youtube channel. I'm not super famous like some people but I'm still out there, and it pays just enough to stay afloat. Not bad for a shut-in otaku.

I groaned picking my head up off the desk and frowned. My white hair was sticking to my face as I brushed it back in annoyance. Maybe I should wash up? I was up all night gaming again. I sighed picking up the mess of chip bags and soda cans. What time is it anyw...

"Oh..." I spotted the time on my computer and frowned. It's noon... and I never posted my video. I won't hear the end of it. Not when Leo probably already posted. It's fine. They'll be fine. Just breath, Virgil. "Forget it."

I got up and made my way to the bathroom, turning on the shower and beginning to undress. I groaned at how sore I was, but what do you expect when you made your desk a bed. Stepping into the shower felt... amazing. The instant that hot water touched my skin I melted into the relaxing drum. The steam created a fog around me that honestly made me nearly fall asleep again. I couldn't let that happen though. I had a video to edit and post.

I got out of the shower and threw on some clothes running back to my computer for some editing. I did mention I was a shut-in right? I rarely ever leave my apartment. I rarely ever need to. Nobody knows Virgil Bennett exists so why would I? I only ever do when my alarm...

I narrowed my eyes hearing the weekly alarm go off. I guess that means it Sunday then? I sighed grabbing my hoodie and running over to pick my phone up, turning off the alarm. That would explain why supplies were running low. Guess I'll just have to edit when I get back.

I sighed as I slowly closed my front door behind me. Leaving my home always caused me some anxiety. I didn't have to deal with anything to bad while in my own apartment. The moment I stepped out of it, however.

"Anxiety!" I started to walk a little faster trying really hard to ignore the pounding of feet barreling after me. "Hey, Anxie..."

"What?!" I spun around causing Mat to freeze and he looked around awkwardly. "And how many time do I have to tell you this, My name is Virgil. Anxiety is just what I go by on Youtube."

"I... I know that. But, uh... I was wondering when you were going to upload your next vid. You didn't post it when you normally do and I was getting a bit worried." This is what I get for living in the same complex as a fan.

"If you were that worried you knew I live. You could have knocked." He shot me this look and I laughed. "Yeah, I know. I wouldn't have anwsered. I'm ok, Mat. Just lost track of the time." He narrowed his eyes again and another alarm went off telling me to cut this chat short. I've been through this so many times I have an alarm for just about everything. Less time I need to spend outside the better. "I got a go Mat. I got shopping to do."

"Oh, yeah ok. was nice to talk to you again Virgil." I smiled as he slowly turned to leave. He isn't a bad dude just... slighly intrusive and annoying. Even still, he's the only one that ever cared enough to worry about me. Not like it matters though... I'm still just me.

Walking into the supermarket was like a blast of nerves on repeat. So many people... so much noise... to many ways things can go horribly wrong. I took a deep breath and grabbed a cart, pressing it hard aganst me just to try to stablize myself. I quickly went through the ilses trying to find everything. Mostly essentals like soap, toletries, food. I stocked up a bit on some more alergy and pain meds. You never know when you'll get hurt or sick and I don't want to be unprepared. I narrowed my eyes looking at everything and I frowned. I guess I could check out the video games.

I started to skim through and I had to stop. There was a game I hadn't heard off. Its cover was typical I guess. It had these two men. One had a crown while the other did not. They both stood in front of this castle, and above it flew this dragon. It was clearly a fantasy style kingdom based game. What intrigued me though was I had never heard of it. I tried to keep up on all the latest games and all that. I mean I was a gamer. It was literally my job to play them.

I picked it up and just stared at the cover. The one guy was obviously a prince or something. The crown was a dead give away. The other one, however... he seemed... More regal. If that was possible. Sure the other guy had the crown and shit but this guy looked posh... Proud.

I turned the case around and narrowed my eyes in confusion. There was nothing written. I'm so confused. There was no discription... no indication at all of what this game was about. Who would ever buy this?

Well, needless to say... I would. And I did... How could I not? It was a mystery fantasy game with some pretty good looking guys on the cover. I might even get a few vids out of it if it's decent enough.

As soon as I got home, I dropped everything and excidedly rushed over to pop in the game. I was impatient and in need of some emotional detox. It's allways stressful leaving the house. I'm sure people will understand. The disk went in and this screen popped up. I smiled seeing the messege on the screen.

"Would you like to start a new life of adventure and heroics?" I scoffed and clicked yes. It took me to this character creation page and I could already feel the anticipation build. I always loved playing a new game. "What is your name... Obviously, I am putting Anxiety." I laughed remembering all the times I kept correcting Mat. Why bother... Even I say it's Anxiety.

It switched the menu and I narrowed my eyes. Race selection? What is this, Elder Scrolls? I skimmed through the selections, finally deciding on the elven race and smiled. It started to ask me all these questions and I sort of zoned out. I can't remember a single thing I chose until it asked me about magic.

"What specialty do I want to possess?" It gave light, dark, elemental... So many options. I was so confused. Sure plenty of the games that I have played had magic in them but this was deep and I hadn't even started playing yet. My eyes kept getting drawn to celestial. So I chose that one. I have learned not to focus too hard on your first go. If something catches your eyes that chose it. You can always start over later if you don't like it. "I think I'm done." I click the finished button and narrowed my eyes at the message on the screen.

"Are you sure you want to finish?" yes... "These choices cannot be changed once accepted." That's fine with me. It's called a full game restart. Isn't the first game that fucked with the fourth wall. Hello... ehem, undertale. I laughed at myself silently clicking the accept button and watched as my screen when completely white. The light began to build and build until I had to shield my eyes. What the hell is going on?

That's when I fell out of my chair... or at least I thought I did. I hit the ground with a thump and when I looked up I found myself outside. I say outside because that's where I was. Unfortunately...

I had no idea where exactly I was outside.

"What the fuck..."

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