Chapter V : The First Day Part I

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(Chapter 5)

Annabeth 's POV :

When I woke up, looked out of the window. It was still dark outside . I pushed the covers off me and got out of bed. I went to my trunk and started searching.

After some minutes of searching, I finally found what I was searching for.

I took it with my robes and went into the bathroom, locking the door. I wore my robes and took it out of my pocket. I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection. My black hair were curly and done without even doing it.

I opened the water and splashed it in my face.

I looked back at the pocket knife in my right hand. I had find it in the house I was previously.

I brought it to my left wrist. Looking in the mirror I was getting ready for it.

That was until a knock came from the door. Shit.

I hid the pocket knife in my pocket and closed the water.

I went to the door and unlocked in, getting out of the bathroom and letting the other girl get in.

I left my dorm and went down the stairs. I went in the common room and found Ron Weasley and Harry Potter waiting.

First to notice me was Harry.

"Oh, hello Annabeth "


Then Ron noticed me too.

" Oh, hey. I don't think we have properly met.I am Ron Weasley, nice to meet you. And you are Annabeth ... "he said waiting for my last name.


Ron had the most shocked face I've ever seen in my life. Harry hurriedly changed the subject to cover up for Ron.

" Have you seen Hermione? You know, the girl from last night "

She'll be down in some seconds and will tell you 'let's go down for breakfast'

And truly Hermione Granger came down a few seconds later, looking towards the two boys.

Then she said the predicted phrase :

" Let's go down for breakfast ".

Harry looked at me like I was crazy, making me chuckle inside his head.

We went down to the Great Hall and the unfortunately, the first person we saw was Draco Malfoy with a group of other Slytherins .

We sat on our table and then laughter broke out of the Slithering table. We look there to see Malfoy doing like he had passed out.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my food.

"Ignore him " Hermione said.

Then the Great Hall started to fill with kids.

I had sit with Harry on my left and Hermione on my right while Ron was opposite from Hermione.

Then, professor McGonnagal came to our table and gave us our schedules.

" Hermione, are you sure this is your schedule and you haven't copied down wrongly the hours? "Ron asked.

Hermione looked at her schedule and then at Ron.

" Yes, this is my schedule and the hours are just fine ".

" What are you talking about? Look. At 9 o clock Divination. And then again 9 o clock Muggle Studies. And then again Arithmancy. I know you are good, Hermione, but no one is that good. How can you be in two places at the same time? "

" Don't be stupid. Of course I wont be in 3 classes at the same time "

" Then? "

" Pass me the marmalade "

" But... "

" Why do you care so much if someone's schedule is busy Ron? I told you, I have sorted out everything with professor McGonnagal ".

.........(To Be Continued)......

 La Voces (The Voices) (Harry Potter fanfiction) ( Book 1) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now