Welcome to My World of Historical Fiction

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Hello everyone! I am Sumi96, the rightful Author of this book, IMPRECATED BELLEVUE- AN UNTOLD SAGA. It is my first historical Fiction on Wattpad. I was wanting to write something like it for so long and finally my dream comes true. I hope, this book will reach to your expectations till the end.

I would like to thank my new readers along with loyal ones for clicking/adding my book to your reading list. Welcome to My World Of Historical Fiction. Here, you will find some crazy imaginations of mine. Be ready for it!



Firstly, this story has no connection with the real life events. There is no connection with the Indian history as well. The places of occurrences and the incidents describing in this book are completely my own creation. Only some reference are taken from the historical context of West Bengal.

Secondly, the reality of this book is different from the real life one. So, be ready for experiencing something unusual and insane.

Your all unanswered questions will be answered eventually till the end. If you couldn't fine yours then re-read it. It is already given in the novel. You have to find it out by yourself.

Lastly, my first language/mother tongue is not English. Thus, you will find many errors while reading this novel. Please keep your patience with me. I will edit those gradually.



This story is completely my own creation. I literally put my soul into it. So, don't you dare to copy my creation and tag it as your own. The issues of plagiarism will be taken seriously. I will sue you, if I found anything common. You have your own brain. Use it properly before it gets wasted.

Thank you.


Thank you once again for appreciating my work. I hope this book will be enjoyable till the end. Hold your seatbelt and enjoy the ride with your popcorn, cold drinks. Let the Saga unfold itself.

With Love



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IMPRECATED BELLEVUE- AN UNTOLD SAGAWhere stories live. Discover now