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Quirk: Energy
- Dynamokinesis
- Energy Emission
- Chi Manipulation
- Energy Sense
Synopsis: I have the ability to redirect a force of energy coming at me such as a force from a blast, shockwave, etc.
Pros: I can redirect an opponents blast or force back at the same level within a quick amount of time.
Cons: I can only redirect blasts or shockwaves and not other attacks such as fire or ice. Doesn't work well on someone who's isn't effected much by their own quirk.

Energy Emission
Synopsis: I can release large amounts of energy when fighting making my physical attacks such as punching or kicking hurt more. Can be used up to 5 times in a fight before wearing me out.
Pros: Works really well in hand to hand combat. Easily defeats or weakens opponents. Doesn't need to be used much
Cons: Causes me to tire out faster due to large amounts of energy lost, so can only used a certain amount of times

Chi Manipulation (inspired by Ty Lee from ATLA)
Synopsis: I can manipulate metaphysical life energies. I do this by focusing a punch or kick on a certain pressure point of my opponents body. I can also see a flow of energy in other people's bodies and see where pressure points are located. When I hit a couple of these points it cause my opponent to be temporarily paralyzed and if I'm able to in the moment control them for 2 minutes.
Pros: Can easily render my opponent defenseless and allow me to defeat them. Hard for others to replicate since not many people know where the points are or how hard to hit them for it to work.
Cons: I have to be able to get within a close range of my opponent to do this

Energy Sense
Synopsis: When I use my quirk my eyes turn a golden brown and I can see the energy flow through living things. If I need to focus on a specific person or group of people than I can limit my energy sensors to just humans. This part of my quirk is also what helps my chi manipulation.
Pros: I can easily spot someone trying to sneak up on me by seeing the energy that is in them. I can detect how many enemies there are before entering a building.
Cons: I have a time limit of 15 min of how long I can see energies before my vision goes back to normal. I can extend this time up to 30 min with training. If I use it for too long I can get a headache.

When it developed:
My quirk developed when I was 5 and the first part was my energy emission. The other parts of my quirk became more developed around the ages of 10-11 when I started training more.

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