Part Five

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I run my fingers along the stitched edges of my emerald gown. I made it because the color matched my eyes. Would Ivar notice? Would he be happy to see me? He should be, considering he's been watching me. He owes me an explanation for disappearing on me. He's the one who made me proclaim to be his. Why did he leave me high and dry?

I toss my curly hair over my shoulder and look in the hazy mirror above my bed. I feel a tingle of fear lift the hairs on the back of my neck. What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he changed his mind? What if our night together is nothing but a fond memory both of us will eventually look back on, with a smile on our lips?

I cannot let him go so easily.

I suck in a harsh breath, square my shoulders, and grab my fur from the back of a chair. It is warm, but not enough to keep the chills at bay. The knowledge that I will see Ivar again has my pussy clenching between my thighs, greedy for his body again. The attraction between us feels absolutely blessed by Thor, it is so thunderous. The feel of his calloused hands is enough to send shivers down my spine. He is a God to me...

I round the bend that leads to the great hall and the butterflies in my belly are flapping wildly. They are enough to make my fingers quiver as I step into the loud hall. The candelabras are lit, casting the entire room in a soft glow. It would seem as if the entire village is present, laughing, drinking, being merry. The joy in the room is overwhelming.

I nervously scan the room for anyone I know, and instantly meet the gaze of Hvitserk. His eyes scan me from head to toe before a slow smirk takes over his lips. He nudges Ubbé who glances at me and turns with a genuine smile on his face. He heads for me, his long legs eating up the distance between us.

"You came!" I nod, taking the arm he holds out to me. His blue eyes are dancing with happiness and ale. I can tell from the glassy sheen in his gaze that he has definitely partaken in the festivities of the night.

"I did. Thank you for inviting me."

"The entire village was invited, Camila! Why have you not joined us before?" He asks me as we reach Hvitserk, who is watching me with confused eyes.

"I only just came to Kattegat." Ubbé nods gallantly and introduces me to Hvitserk. I only know him by name and face, we've never spoken to one another before. Hvitserk nods his head at me.

"I hear you're the local witch." I stiffen at his words, because while I am familiar with herbs and spices, I am not a witch. Only Ivar may call me his little wanton witch.

"I'm afraid there is nothing magical about me, Hvitserk." He touches my arm gently, a soft smile on his lips.

"Forgive me, Camila I didn't mean to offend you. I only mean to jest with you. I was referring to you conquering the wild and untamed Lothbrok son. Only a witch could pull that off," He winks.

I relax and drop my gaze, glancing between him and Ubbé. "If that is so, then where is he?"   

Just as the question leaves my mouth, I feel the air spark. Like a moth to a fucking flame, I follow the magnetic pull, and my eyes land on Ivar. He is across the room, his fiery blue eyes once again watching me so closely, I hold my breath. One of his arms is wrapped around his crutch and the other resting idly at his side. His fists are clenched. His jaw ticks.

"I wouldn't have believed it if I had not witnessed it for myself," Ubbé comments quietly. Hvitserk nods his head, but I barely catch it out of the corner of my eye. I am too busy watching the man I've been pining for across the room. He slowly stalks towards me, not bothering to excuse himself through the crowd. It parts for him, like the red sea, like my legs. I am no better than the ones who fear Ivar The Boneless, for I also allow him to get away with whatever he wants to. I cannot help myself.

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