Not Even an Option

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People say they don't want to be treated like an option, they want to be the only one chosen.
"I want to be wanted, not needed" I repeat my new affirmation in between silent sobs sitting in my sheets
When people think they need you, they always leave when they don't
At least if someone wants me, they'll stay on their own, knowing they could be anywhere else but choosing you.
"I don't want to be an option"
I do.
I want to be treated like an option and given a chance.
I don't want to be ruled out at the beginning with no reason,
and tossed to the sidelines before being able to have a shot.
If I was enough,
there wouldn't be a doubt in my mind or the soft, apologetic voices reminding me that no one even considered me an option.
If I was enough for you to want to keep me as long as you have,
why wasnt I enough for the title of being yours?
Why could you hold me, and kiss me, and touch me, as if I was yours,
but never call me by a name other than "best friend".
You said you weren't interested from the very start,
then felt pain when someone told you the same.
So why do that to me?

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