Doubt x Hallucinations

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"You'll come back right?"
The girl asked him, facing the blue sky, not wanting the boy in front of her to know the emotions she's feeling at this moment. They knew each other so well. Just looking into each other's eyes they could read each other like a book. The boy smiled sadly. "Maybe. Perhaps someday I can come back" she laced her hand with his and he gave a reassuring squeeze. "If I don't come back, or I loose my way.... You'll come find me won't you?" He asked her after a huge hesitant pause. She smiled at him, the brightest smile she's ever given him. "Of course. I'll find you idiot" she playfully punched him on the shoulder and both of them collapsed on the soft green grass in a fit of giggles, forgetting about the future and focusing on the present.
Killua Zoldyck and Gon Freecs entered into a room filled with chaos. People were running from table to table, screaming from one corner to another. The usually quiet office room had turned into a fish market. Killua buried his hands in his pocket, feigning boredom. Gon looked around and greeted random people that Killua didn't take the effort to know their names. This much panic in the usually quiet office only means one thing. Divergents. Killua's eyebrows furrowed and fisted his hands in his pocket. He turned to his partner, Gon, his tone cold and stern. "What did those things do this time?" Gon's eyes widened a little. Killua quirked his eyebrows. "You mean the divergents?" Killua narrowed his eyes and glared at Gon. Gon sighed and ruffled his spiky hair. "Greed Island. 2 officials. Murder" Killua's frown deepened. Greed island? He shook his head, not willing the night before to interfere with his work.

"What's the time of murder?"

Gon placed his hand on his chin "I think it was around 12" Gon frowned biting his lip. "They left a message" Killua quirked an eyebrow and removed his hands from his pockets. "Message huh? I don't see any need to stay here. I'm going to leave. Probably go to the crime scene or something. You wanna come?" Killua turned and faced the glass doors, ready to leave regardless of his partners response. "Ya. I'll come" Both Gon and Killua left the noisy office and walked swiftly to the elevator. "What about the media? Whatever those things do the media somehow conveys it to the entire world. I didn't see anything about the murder on the news" Gon pushed the elevator's button and both of them waited calmly for the elevator to come to their respective floor. "Well, the higher ups pulled some strings and kept it down. They've got two major officials. If the public knows about this, there'll be panic all over. That's why they've dispatched all the hunters on this case. We have to hunt down the divergents responsible for this before they do something else that would cause an uproar. And just for safety measures Greed Island is shut down." Killua felt a hole open in his chest, but immediately ignored it. "Sorry for bringing you out of leave to attend this case" Gon said sheepishly. "No. It's fine. I was starting to get bored at home anyway..... I need this" Gon looked at Killua with a troubled expression. It was always like this. Killua switching personalities. Either he was Gon's friend, or he becomes distant and acts like a total stranger. Especially when it comes to divergents. Killua never makes an effort to maintain his sanity once they're involved. It was always the cold-hearted person he meets at work every single day. Their line of work wasn't exactly what you call... refreshing. Gon and Killua were hunters, people who hunt down and capture divergents. Some people would call that type of job disgusting. Dangerous even. But Gon and Killua joined this line of work knowing all the risks and disadvantages. Their need for revenge is so desperate that other things like personal safety are forsaken.




That's what drives these people to wake up every day to face that bloodshed. Killua lives his life, desperate to eradicate each and every divergent. He has the blood of many on this hands. So many sins. So many ghosts haunting his dreams. So much of despair. That's why Gon had convinced his boss that having killua take a few days off would'nt be a bad idea. Gon and Killua stepped into the elevator and Killua immediately pressed the button signalling their destination.

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