I'll Find You I Promise

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Ross' POV: Me,Riker,Ratliff,Rocky,and Ryland doged upstairs to see if the girls were ok. " Girls you can come out now he's gone! " Riker exlcaimed. Rydel,Meg,and Liz cam into the hallway. " Wheres Taylor?! " i asked concerned. " Taylor! " Meg screamed running downing downstairs. She ran toward the window. Tears began to stream down her face. " They have Taylor in the car! " she screamed. " What?! " Liz screamed now starting to cry. Riker ran after the car. " Riker come back! " my mom Stormie called after him. He stopped out of breath and started walking back. " Hold on Taylor it'll be ok", i thought to myself, " I'll find you i promise....

Taylors POV: I woke  up tied to a chair in a basment.  " were am i?! " i thought to myself. I guess i was thinking outloud because a voice responed saying " Where you belong ". Daniele cam out of the darkness. He untied me from the chair. I got up and walked away from him. " The door had swung open and it revealing a girl a gorgeous girl may i add. Wait a minute its Dan's little sis Arabelle. " Tay is that you?! " she asked. " Yea " i siad. " What happened are you ok? i thought you broke up! ' she siad looking at me concerned. " We did he kidnapped me " i said. She shook her head and pushed me upstairs he started runnung up the steps but before he could get to me she kicked im in the spot guys don want to be kicked in and shut the door locking it. We walked to the car. She drove me home. Sh helped out the car and to the door. When she rang the doorbell the door swung open and revealed Meg. " Taylor! " they screamed giving me a hug. Ihuged back. Ross started running toward me giving me a hug. i turned toward Arabelle grabbing her hand and leading her inside. My dad and Mark came rushing to the scene. They squeezed me gving me a hug. " Im so glad your ok " Mark said. " Me to " Stormie added. We continued the pary and soon everyone left except for the Lynches and Arabelle their sleeping over. I had just got done having a showere. While i was getting dressed i heard knowc then a voice siad " Tyalor you ok in there?! " it was Liz and Meg. " Yea just getting dressed. Done " i said before opening the door. I walked down stairs. All of us were watching a movie together. We were goingto watch Grown Ups. Iv'e always had a crush on Adam Sandler i dont know why but i always did.

Next Day...

I felt a kiss on my forhead making me smile as i woke up. It was Ross. " Morning you ready?! " he asked. " No! I gotta get dressed! '' i said. He laughed. " Ok well im gonna be down stairs waiting for you " he said before walking downstairs and shutting the door behind him. I took s shower,brushed my teeth,washed my hair,blow dried my hair,did my hair,and finally ot dressed and went down stairs. " Wow you look gorgeous! " Ross complimented making  me blush.

( A/N OutFit On The Side

" Wow you really like making me blush don't you?! " i asked. " Yes.yes i do " he replied sending us into laughter. " Hey do you wanna walk to the set its maybe? 30 minutes away " Ross asked looking at me. " Sure " i said. " Alright lets go " he siad. It was raining outside. " O MY GOSH I L0VE THE RAIN! " me and Ross screamed in unison.  We skipped,walk,ran,and jumped till we were at the set. As soon as we walked in all eyes were on us. " Ross why are you soaking wet and who is she?! " a guy i guess was the directer asked. " It was raining and this Taylor the winner " Ross laughed. Then put a smile on his face and apoligized saying " Im sorry Ross is always bringing different girls to the set ". " Nuh uh " Ross said deffensivly. " Yes you are ' everyone in building siad in unison sending me into laughter.  " Taylor sweetie go a head and head to you dressing room. it has you name on it. i need to talk to Ross for a minute " the director told you. " Ok " you said. Right as i found my dressing room   and were about to open it someone with a mask jumped infront of me making me scream. It was Calum. Tears began to escape my eyes i pushed passed him,opened the door,and slamed it behind me locking it. I slid down the door. It wasn't what he did that made me cry it's who it reminded me of. If you guessed Daniele then your right. He was so nice to me until something happened and he started to abused me. There was knock on the door breaking me from my thoughts. " Taylor it's me Laura open up! " she said. " Just go away! " i replied. " Please talk to me. i saw you crying. Calum always does that to everyone it's part of being a boy! " she said. I finally opened the door letting her in Raini also came in. " Taylor you ok?! " Raini asked giving me a hug. " Yes " i said but i was lying. " Liar " she replied. " Why did Calum make you cry?! he only scared you! " she asked. Laura gave her a " shut up " look. " It wasn't what he did it was who he reminded me of.  " i said. They tilted their head in confusion. " It's a long story " i said. " We got time the show stars in two hours " Raini said. 

1 hour later.

I had broke down infront of the both of them. They gave me a hug while i sobbed. My phon started ringing. I hit the awnser button.

Phone Covo:

T: Hello?!

R: Heyy Taylor?! Are you crying?!

T: Well i was

R:What?! Why?!

T: Just forget about it

R: Ok.Well i just wanted to check on you

T: Alright bye

R: Bye

 End of phone convo

" Who was it?! " Laura asked. " Ross " i replied. " O well come on " Raini siad grabbing my arm leading me out the door. She dragged me infront of Calum. " Calum you have something to say to Taylor?! " Raini asked. " Im really sorry i didn't meanto make you cry! can you forgive me?! " he begged. I nodded. He smiled then gave me a hug.

1 hour later 

" Oh my gosh shes beautiful! " Austin said. Incase your wondering we're shooting for the next new episode Room For One More. In the episode Austin heres a girl named Aj singing and instantly falls inlove with her. He finds out that she also writes songs and choregraphs dance. Soon they become friends and she helps him with the next video for his song. Well here goes nothing.

Aj's POV ( Taylor ):

I saw a boy staring at me so i walked over saying " hello ". " Hi " he waved. " Why are you staring at me?! " i asked. " Uh ummm " the boy said. " I'll handle this Austin. he's only staring at you because he thinks your very pretty " a ginger said before turning around and winking at the boy who's i guess name is Austin. Austin blushed making me giggle. " Austin come on it's time to write our new song! " a brunette siad. " Ally Dawson! " i smiled. " Aj Thompson " she smiled. We gave eachother hugs. " You know eachother?! " Austin and Dez asked. " Yes we went to kindergarden togteher! " Aly replied.  " Yea o and good job with the butterfly song i loved it " i said giving Ally another hug. " Aww thanks " she replied. " Aj is that you? " a voice from behind me asked.  I turned around. " Trish! " i said running to give her  hug.  We squeezed eachother. " Can i get a hug " Austinasked stretcing out his arms. " Sure why not! " i said embracing him. I let go. " So what are you doing?! " Ally asked. " Well i was going to buy a guitar but now im just here to hang out with you guys. " Well here you go " Aly sad handing me a guitar. I started to pull out money but she stopped me by saying " You dont have to pay its a birthday gift! ". " Howd you know it's my birthday?1 " i asked surprised. " Im your bestfriend and you dad is holding up a sign saying  " Hey Ally and Trish! Its Aj's birthday " 

" O " i said now feeling stupid.

Afew hours later

Ross' POV: We were finally done with the shooting. Riley was great. Everyone loved her. I walked over to her. " Hey " i said. " Hey " she replied. I noticed she was wearing a different outfit. 

( A/N out fit on the side )

" Hey wren't you wearing something different earlier ?! " i asked. " Yea Rydel said to wear something that made me look like you made me change into. " Why? " i asked. " I dont know! " she replied. " You and Taylor are dating?! " Laura asked poping out og nowhere. " No! " Taylor replied for me. " Well this magazine says you are! " Laura said handing it to us. It had a picture of  me and Taylor slow dancing in the rain. The caption read " So Ross isn't single ". " That's why Rydel said to wear something that you would make me wear!! " Taylor said. I cant belive that happened i like her but i dont think she likes me...

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