Part 2

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Recap- you bumped into someone and fell over

??- "woah be careful, are you good?"
He reached out his hand to help me up, I grabbed his hand and got up
Y/n- "yeah Im fine, sorry about that"
??- "it's okay, just watch where you're going next time" he said as he smiled
I zoned out and realised it was one of the new guys that vinnie was also with. As he was walking away and I had an urge to ask him what his name was
Y/n- "hey I never got your name!"
He walked in my direction and stopped in front of me.
??- "I'm Jordan, and you are?"
Y/n- "Im y/n"
J- "well it was nice meeting you, see you around"
Y/n- "yeah ofc bye"

We both waved at each other and walked the opposite direction. I was walking back into the lunch hall with a big smile on my face. I saw sienna and kio still sat at the same table so I walked up to them.
S- "damn y/n what took you so long"
K- "and what's that huge smile for"
Y/n- "oh umm it doesn't matter"
K- "come onn spit it out"
Y/n- "alright alright, so on my way to my locker I bumped into this cute guy and his name is Jordan and he's really sweet"
S- "omg isn't that vinnies' best friend?"
Y/n- "I don't know but I saw them two together this morning along with another guy"

Skip to after school
S- "so y/n do you want to come to the movies with me and kio tonight at around 7?"
Y/n- "I mean my mom is out of town again so suree"
S- "alright we'll pick you up at 6:40 so that we're early"
Y/n- "okay bye bitches"
K- "bye bitch"
S- "byee"

I was so bored at home and I still had 2 hours to get dressed so I watched Netflix for a little bit. I then got bored of watching Netflix so I decided to start getting ready. I put on a white body suit and some blue jeans and decided to post something on Instagram

 I put on a white body suit and some blue jeans and decided to post something on Instagram

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Y/n.123 - "🤍"

@Siennamaegomez- my girl😍
@kiocyr- beautiful😍
^ liked by vinnie hacker
@user1- wow
@user4- ew
@user2- I love her style ☺️

As I was waiting for sienna and kio to come pick me I checked who commented on my post I saw that vinnie liked kios comment which said "beautiful😍" which made me wonder why he liked it. I then heard someone shout my name and I looked out my window and saw that kio and sienna were already here so I picked up my keys and my phone and got inside siennas car.
When we arrived to the movies I asked them what we were watching and they said the conjuring. I acted unbothered but i was actually terrified
K- "the movie starts in a minute we need to find our seats quick"
We agreed with kio and found our seats. Half way through the movie i got too scared and lied to kio and sienna and said that I needed to go use the restroom. I quickly walked out and went to walk to the toilet until I felt someone grab my wrist and drag me into this dark empty room, I tried to scream but the person was covering my mouth. I turned around and saw it was vinnie, he removed his hand from my mouth and I said.

Y/n- "wtf vinnie what are you doing and how did you even know I was here"
V- "well I heard sienna and kio speaking to each other about inviting you to come to the movies with them and then I saw your post on Instagram so I figured you would be here"
Y/n- "okay and what was the need for you to bring me in here!"
V- "shh stop being so loud"
Y/n- "okay so why?"
V- "remember when you gave me attitude and I told you that you would regret this soon?"
Y/n- "mhm what abo-"

I was then interrupted by him kissing me
he then pushed me against the wall pushing my thigh up signalling for me to Jump, i then wrapped my legs around him and he began to kiss on my neck until he found my soft spot and I let out a little moan, he then started sucking on it giving me hickies.
Y/n- "vinnie we can't do this here"
V- "shh"

He then unzipped my jeans and pulled them down sliding one of his fingers in me and then adding another one in making me tilt my head back in pleasure, he then started going faster making me moan really loud.

V- "keep it down you don't want anyone catching us"

I ignored him and then he began making out with me making me moan into his mouth.
He then stopped and put me back down on the floor, I pulled my jeans back up and he just stood there smirking.

Y/n- "what was all of that about"
V- "I told you that you would've regret giving me attitude"

I decided to not go finish off the movie with kio and sienna and texted them and walked home. When I got home I made myself dinner and went to bed. All I could think about it what happened between me and vinnie, after a while I felt my eyes getting heavy and I fell asleep.

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