Part 24

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You lot finally arrived at the airport and walked around looking for food and drinks to buy to take into the plane.

As we were walking towards the plane to get in we were discussing who was sitting next to who since it was a two seater plane.

We discussed it all before we got to the plane and I was sitting next to bj and vinnie and Jordan were sitting on the seats next to ours.

As we were walking up the stairs to walk in the plane the hostess welcomed us and we all smiled at her and thanked her and walked to our seats.

We all put our suitcases inside the cabins and sat down.

The flight took 2 hours and we were already an hour in.

I saw that Jordan and vinnie were both asleep and bj was looking out the window since he took the window seat.

I was looking out the window too with him and we were both speaking about how beautiful the sights were.

Bj- "do you want to swap seats, I've already been sat here for an hour"

Y/n- "noo it's okay don't worry"

Bj- "noo come on let's swap, I'm going sleep anyways"

Y/n- "Okayy, thank you"

I stood up as he was scooting over to my seat and then hovered over him in order to sit in the other seat.

As I was falling asleep I put my head on bj's shoulder and I felt him place his head against mine as he was also falling asleep.

Vinnies POV:

I woke up due to a baby crying which annoyed the shit out of me and I looked over to see if y/n or bj were awake since Jordan was snoring his head off and I saw her head on his shoulder and his head against her head. I wasn't mad because they were just sleeping but I felt jealous but I ignored it and acted like I didn't care and went back to sleep.

Y/n's POV:
I woke up and saw we had 20 minutes left and walked to the toilet since I needed a pee. As I was peeing I heard a knock on the door.

Y/n- "there's someone in here"

V- "it's me"

Y/n- "what's up"

V- "can I quickly come in before I get caught"

Y/n- "hurry up"

Vinnie walked in and shut the door behind him and locked it.

Y/n- "soo what's up" I said as I was still peeing

V- "damnn your pee is going on for ages" he said laughing a little bit

Y/n- "i knoww, I woke up busting for one"

V- "bless you, anyways look" he said as he lifted up his shirt which was covering his pants in order to reveal his boner

My eyes widened and I said

Y/n- "what do you want me to do about it?"

He walked up to me and said

V- "well since you're already sitting down you could yk"

Y/n- "yea but other people need to use the toilet too and we only have a certain amount of time in here"

He cut me off by pulling his pants down and forcing his dick into my mouth. I tried not to go along with it so that he wasn't getting any pleasure out of it so that he wouldn't moan and people weren't able to hear us but he grabbed my hair and pushed my head deeper to give himself pleasure.


Did anyone hear you two?

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